How many points is a jeer worth?
Depends on the jeer, between 1-4pts
What are the requirements to get a 2 for chore completion?
(Refer to sheet)
What jeer point is disrespecting peers/staff, unintentional swearing and glorifying?
What are the 7 areas of growth that you can receive a cheer for?
(if you can answer 3- receive points, all 7- staff will give you a star :) )
Kindness, Abstinence, Liberality, Humility, Diligence, Patience, and Chastity
Which Tech has worked at Navig8 the longest?
How may points is a cheer worth?
You will always get at least a 1 for Recovery Skills.
No. Displaying a disinterest in help/changing, defending bad habits, not focusing on quitting, etc. will be scored as pre-contemplation/0.
Name 2 behaviors that receive an immediate grounding.
Tech will reference sheet
Can you ask for cheers?
No. Cheers are meant to highlight & recognize personal progress. It cannot be asked for as that would defeat the purpose.
What is the Zodiac sign for May 30?
What are jeers?
Negative progress trackers/Area of growth needed to successfully graduate the program.
Why do we do chores? (Dig deep- more than 2 sentences)
(free form answer)
It's a life skill.
Character development.
Keeping your space/the facility clean.
True or False? You can moon your bff/peer. Everyone laughs and it's a good time.
False- exposure of body parts will get you an immediate grounding.
In your own words, what does chastity mean?
Showing courage and boldness to achieve purity of body, mind, and spirit through education and betterment. (Answers may vary)
What is the chain of command?
A chain of command is an organizational structure that documents how each member of a company/org reports to one another.
How many jeers in 1 day will equal a grounding?
6pts cumulative or a 4pt.
What are Recovery Skills?
Skills that will help you in recovery- DBT, coping skills, grounding exercises, challenging thoughts/behaviors, recognizing the affects of use, etc.
True or false? You cannot submit a grievance about a jeer without having techs look over it.
False. Techs are not allowed to read grievances without the writer's express permission. You are not required to submit your grievances to Techs.
All Grievances are to be submitted to the box of the Tech Supervisor or Program Director (Shawn).
Humility is shown by not talking about your achievements.
False. Humility is shown by giving credit where credit is due, giving respect, and showing selflessness- even towards yourself.
True. This is showing modest behavior by not being vain or boastful.
True or False? There is only one navig8 facility.
False. There are 2. Rolla and Columbia (Outpatient only).
What are cheers and why do you receive cheers?
Cheers are positive progress trackers/Areas of growth achieved that are needed to successfully graduate the program.
Cheers are received to track personal progress and show a huge effort from the individual to practice virtuous traits and build character. Differs from individual to individual.
Name 2 actions that show someone is demonstrating Action towards recovery.
(Refer to sheet)
How many jeers will get you discharged? Who decides if you get discharged?
N/A, discharges are a clinical decision- jeers are taken into consideration, but do not directly correlate.
Give one example of how you can practice Abstinence, Diligence, Patience, or Chastity.
(Answers may vary)
What is another name that Navig8 is called?