Topic vocabulary
Multiple meaning words

Use "should have/shouldn't have"

She's my boyfriend's ex, You ___________ her (invite).

should not have invited


Change the form of the word in italics

There's absolutely no solid prove that he was anywhere near the scene of the crime



Give 2 definitions of the following word and make up sentences to illustrate each of the meanings


1) to be able to

2) a metal container


Use "should have/shouldn't have"

They asked me who I would give a bigger bouquet of flowers: to my mom or to my wife. I chose the first. Now my wife is angry. What __________? (answer) I don't understand what's wrong. There can be many wives, but only one mother.

should I have answered


Change the form of the word in italics

No one is born a theft, and no one has to remain one their whole life



Give 2 definitions of the following word and make up sentences to illustrate each of the meanings


1) a large bird grown for its meat 

2) a country in southeastern Europe and Western Asia 


Change the sentence using Third Conditional

They didn’t book in advance, so they didn’t get a discount.

If they had booked the tickets in advance, they could have gotten a discount.


Match to make sentences

1) They accused me ...

2) Our neighbour was arrested ...

3) Three people were charged ...

4) She denied ...

5) It is illegal for ...

A) with theft

B) for shoplifting

C) someone to steal something from a shop

D) stealing clothes

E) of shoplifting

1) E

2) A

3) H

4) D

5) C


Give 2 definitions of the following word and make up sentences to illustrate each of the meanings


1) a thin, hard area that covers the upper side of the end of each finger and each toe 

2) a small, thin piece of metal with one pointed end and one flat end that you hit into something with a hammer 


Change the sentence using Third Conditional

He didn't read the reviews, that is why he watched that movie.

If he had read the reviews, he wouldn’t have watched that movie.


Unscramble the words

1) wulota

2) repacut

3) stusepc

4) gralubry

5) nulbigly

1) outlaw

2) capture

3) suspect

4) burglary

5) bullying


Give 2 definitions of the following word and make up sentences to illustrate each of the meanings


1) to express or represent something such as an idea, thought, or fact

2) unkind, rude


Fill in the gaps and then answer the question

What __________ (do) differently if you _______ (know) about the 2020 pandemic in advance?

What would you have done differently if you had known about the 2020 pandemic in advance?


Open the brackets using the correct form of the words

Frank Turner, the (1) …………………… (ACCUSE) in a trial that has attracted national attention, was today convicted of murder. The police (2) …………………… (INVESTIGATE) lasted for a year and during the trial over 100 hours of (3) …………………… (EVIDENT) were heard. Turner’s (4) …………………… (LAW) had all argued that he was not in the area at the time, but could not provide the necessary (5) …………………… (PROVE). Police described Turner as a well-known (6) …………………… (THEFT) who was responsible for many (7) …………………… (ROB) in the local region. This is not Turner’s first (8) …………………… (CONVICT). Seven years ago, he was found guilty of (9) …………………… (FORGE) and served three years in prison. The judge is expected to sentence Turner to a period of (10) …………………… (PRISON) later this week.

1) accused

2) investigation  

3) evidence

4) lawyers   

5) proof   

6 thief   

7) robberies

8) conviction   

9) forgery  

10) imprisonment


Give 2 definitions of the following word and make up sentences to illustrate each of the meanings


1) one of the four periods of the year 

2) to improve the flavour of savoury food by adding salt, herbs, or spices when cooking or preparing it 
