Name at least 2 Tulare County Priority Industry Sectors.
Advanced Manufacturing
Green Energy
Transportation and Logistics
Value-added Agriculture
Hospitality (Youth)
What is California's federally recognized "system of record" for tracking and reporting WIOA Title I?
Who requires follow-up services?
All Youth
OJT training
Enrolled in OST and obtain unsubsidized employment
Enrolled in Transitional Job and obtain unsubsidized employment
When was the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act signed into law?
Month and Year.
*Day for bonus points
July 22, 2014
The Theory of Change has a FOCUS on multiple audiences. Name all three!
Workers & Businesses
Community & Civic Leaders
When are OKRs due?
By the 10th of the following month
What is the 1st EC Talent Pool Milestone?
Understand and Build Your Skills
How many titles does WIOA have? and Which title are we?
5 titles.
Title I - Adult, Dislocated Workers, and Youth
What is the Theory of Change issue?
Too many people are unemployed or in low-wage jobs that don't sustain their families, and too many businesses have high-quality jobs that go unfilled.
Name 1 of the System Wide Shifts in this year's contract.
High School Diploma (HSD) or Equivalency (HSE) initiative
Provide incentives for the attainment of HSD/HSE
Combined formula funding to allow flexibility in expenditures
Milestone incentives pilot
Enhanced EC Talent Pool tracking sheet
Launch EC Talent Pool Dashboard
What are the 3 types of training investments planned for PY 24-25 using WIOA-Formula funds?
Occupational Skills Training or ITA (Career Services and Youth)
Work Experience (Youth)
On-the-Job Training (Career Services)
What organizations make up the Workforce System?
US Department of Labor,
California Workforce Development Board,
Workforce Investment Board of Tulare County,
and Subrecipients (Employment Connection and youth@work)