CommCare Forms
Event and Outreach
Random Things

Resource Referrals should include the  _________ and  __________.

Type of referrals that were done, which organization(s) participant was referred to.

When you are assisting a consumer who is also looking for other services and you provide the information to another agency/organization/services during a conversation while services are being provided, that should also be noted under resource referral.

When you receive a call or text from a consumer to ask you about other services in the community and you provide the information, it should also be noted under Resource Referral.


Besides Commcare where else can you verify your event and outreach data entry. 

Dashboard in Tableau 

What is the longest river in Mexico?

Rio Grande


What does ACA and QHP stand for?

Affordable Care Act

Qualified Health Plan


During Open Enrollment you are assisting a consumer with her Health Marketplace Application renewal. After completing the Navigator Consent Form, you log-in to CommCare to check if the consumer is active on the system because you know that after _______ days of no activity on the consumer’s CommCare file it becomes inactive.

365 days

After 365 days of being inactive the consumer will not appear on CommCare; therefore, we must complete a New Intake Form.


If you conduct text outreach with 1 person in the morning and call that same person in the afternoon, how do you report that outreach on CommCare?

You submit one Event and Outreach for the text message.


1 Event and Outreach Log.

The number of people reached is 1.

The type of event/outreach is Text Message.

What is Mexico's second largest city? 



True or False: In Texas, children aged 19 an 20 can get Medicaid.

True - To get Medicaid or CHIP, a child must be age 18 and younger (in some cases children with disabilities age 19 and 20 can get Medicaid). They must also be a Texas resident and a U.S. citizen or qualified non-citizen.


You are assisting a consumer whose name is Maria Paula Ramirez and while completing the intake you notice that you misplace the consumer’s second name, what is something you can do to correct the mistake?

You go to the Intake Folder and select the Update/Edit option to Edit the consumer’s information.


Update = outdated intake

Edit = correct a minor error on an intake


You attend a Movie Night Event to do outreach where other agencies are invited too. How do you categorize this event on your Event and Outreach Log?

National Night Out/Community Based Event


How many programs does MHP Salud have in Texas? 



What new population can CHWs target for marketplace/Health Insurance for November 1st? 

DACA Recipents 


You have an event/appointment on Thursday at 5 p.m. you must submit all CommCare Forms and Clear User Data on Thursdays by 4:00 p.m. What should you do?

Inform my Program Manager that I have an event after 4pm so she is aware of it for when management runs the weekly report. Once I finish the event, submit my event


True or False: During your door-to-door outreach you remember that the librarian from your public library told you they are running out of Navigator Program Flyers. You decide to stop by to drop-off some flyers. Therefore, you will record it under “Door-to-door outreach” since they were dropped-off during your normal door-to-door outreach.


Since you are not interacting and passing the flyers directly to the consumers it would not be considered door-to-door, instead it would be considered flyer drop-off.


What is the mission of MHP Salud?

We serve communities by embracing the strengths and experiences of individuals and families, engaging them to achieve health and well-being.


This state has the highest rate of uninsured individuals in the nation


Texas 2022 Data: Highest Uninsured Rates in the Country for Children and Adults

4.9 million Texans (all ages) were uninsured in 2022, which is  17% of all Texans.

Texas is the state with both the largest number and percentage of uninsured residents in the United States. Texans make up 9% of the U.S. population, but 18% of the U.S. uninsured.


True or False: You are assisting a consumer with a Medicaid Application, but the consumer realizes she is missing some supporting documents for her application, so she decides to wait on submitting her application until she has all the documents ready. Therefore, when completing an Application Assistance Form in CommCare under the “how many Adults apply for benefits” you jot down 0 and under “how many children apply for benefits” you jot down 0 as well since the application is not submitted yet and once the consumer comes back to submit the application you submit a new Application Assistance Form, with the actual number of individuals who apply for the benefits.


Since the application was not submitted you should not submit an Application Assistance Form until you actually assist the consumer submit the application.


During your community outreach you visited 6 different businesses, and at each business, you left 30 flyers. Therefore, you will record _____under “Number of people reached/reserved” and _____ under the “Number of paper promotional items”.

You should record 6 under “Number of people reached/reserved” and 180 under the “Number of paper promotional item”.


How many candies are in the jar? 



Name 5 essential health benefits health insurance plans cover under the Affordable Care Act. 

All plans offered in the Marketplace cover these 10 essential health benefits:

Ambulatory patient services (outpatient care you get without being admitted to a hospital)

Emergency services

Hospitalization (like surgery and overnight stays)

Pregnancy, maternity, and newborn care (both before and after birth)

Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment (this includes counseling and psychotherapy)

Prescription drugs

Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices (services and devices to help people with injuries, disabilities, or chronic conditions gain or recover mental and physical skills)

Laboratory services

Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management

Pediatric services, including oral and vision care (but adult dental and vision coverage aren’t essential health benefits)

