Labor Market Information (LMI)
Navigator Terms & Tools
WIOA Basics
The performance of an occupation (or set of activities or tasks) in a specific place for a specific employer.
What is a job?
The acronym RIASEC is used to represent six personality types that are often used as the foundation for career assessments.
What is the Holland Code? Bonus – What do each of the letters stand for?
WIOA identifies 4 core programs, identified by their titles under the legislation. Adult Education and Literacy Programs are referred to under which Title?
Title II Bonus: What is Title IV?
Occupations in a state or region that project a large number of open positions and limited supply of trained workers to fill the positions.
What are High Demand occupations?
A person may learn/develop this in any (and every) area of their life and use it across a variety of occupations and life roles.
What is a Transferable Skills? Bonus: What are examples of transferable skills?
A service approach that provides adult education and literacy activities concurrently and contextually preparation for specific occupation(s).
What is Integrated Education and Training (IET)?
TWC website with Labor Market and Career Information. This site includes data on high growth occupations, industry trends, wages that can be filtered by workforce development region.
What is TRACER2?
This is a continuous life process through which people explore activities, make decisions, and assume a variety of roles. It occurs as educational and vocational pursuits interact with personal goals and continues over the entire life span.
What is Career Development?
WIOA prioritizes services to those with barriers to employment. What are 4 of the 13 barriers outlined in WIOA?
Displaced homemaker, Low income, Disability, Ex-offender, Homeless, Foster care, ELL, Low literacy, Cultural, Migrant, TANF time limit (2 year), Single parent, Long term unemployed.
Groupings of occupations/career specialties based on common knowledge and skill requirements. Used as an organizing tool for curriculum design and instruction.
What are Career Clusters? Bonus – How many clusters are there? Can you name some?
A Texas website that provides a snapshot of regional social services that navigators can use to identify local organizations that can be of help to students.
What is Texas Connector?
WIOA establishes common performance measures for all core programs. Which two measures are new to Adult Education?
Wages Services to Employers