How many NBA Teams are in there
How many NBA teams make the playoffs in total
When is the NBA draft
June 20
how long is the shot clock
24 seconds
who is the alltime scoring leader
kareem abdul jabbar with 38,387
When was the NBA established
One sports network that you can watch NBA on
espn or tnt
what age do have to be to join the nba draft
19 or older
how tall is the NBA basket
10 feet tall
Who has the most nba points in a game
wilt chamberlain with 100
who is the best player ever
one coach of the all star team
Steve kerr
how many minutes in a quarter
who has the most mvps all time
kareem abdul-Jabbar with 6
one warrior legend
chamberlain barry or curry
when did the 2018-19 NBA Season begin
October 16
who many allstars are there on one team
how many nba players on one team
15 14 or 13
which team has the most titles or rings
Celtics with 17
one laker legend
magic kareem or kobe
How many games are in a NBA season
when is all star weekend
febuary 15
who many teams are in the lottery
one site where you can by tickets
espn or seatgeek
one maverick legend