"to be" or not to be
enjoying the present
living in the past
going negative
grab bag

How many forms of "to be" are there for simple present tense?

three - am, is, are


What are the four verb tenses that express some aspect of present time?

1) simple present, 2) present progressive, 3) present perfect, and 4) present perfect progressive


Finish the sentence: The past participle of a regular verb is the same as its ________ tense form.



Except for "to be," every negated verb phrase will consist of at least ________ verbs.



The grammar teaching approach that combines grammar-based and communicative skills is called _______________?



What "to be" verb is to be used with a singular third person subject in simple past?

was  He was sick. She was happy. It was done.


What verb tense is used for habitual or repeated actions?

simple present   I brush my teeth every day.


Which verb tense is used when expressing a past action that is important to the present situation.

present perfect


Which two verb tenses actually require you to add an auxiliary verb in order to make a negative?

simple present and simple past   All other verb tenses already require an auxiliary verb, so don't need you to add one when negating.


A grammar presentation that sarts by stating the grammar focus and explining it is an ______________ presentation.



How many different contractions of subject + be are possible in simple past affirmative?

none!  Contractions of "to be" verb are possible in both affirmative and negative in present tense, but only possible in negative in the past tense. 


What is the spelling rule being followed to change happen to happening?

For a two-syllable verb ending in consonant-vowel-consonant, don't double the final consonant if the stress is on the first syllable. (Note: As compared to doubling the final consonant if the stress is on the second syllable!)


Which tense show the past if often used to show an action that was happening when another action interrupted it?

past progressive (continuous)


What tense does a "main" verb take, if used with an auxiliary verb?

it is a base verb (no tense!)


The instructional portion of a lesson is divided into three stages. What are they?

presentation, guided practice, and communicative (independent) practice


Which form of the "to be" verb is most frequently used in the English language?

is   according to Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), the frequence percentage of is is 36% of all the "to be" verb forms


What is the past participle (reminder, these are needed to make present perfect tense) for each of the following verbs: chose; cut; walk; bring; do

chosen; cut; walked; brought; done


About how many irregular verbs are "truly useful" in mastering basic English, according to KEYS?

50 to 60

How do we negate modal verbs?

Just like with be, add not after the modal  (cannot, could not, will not, should not, etc.)


The presentation stage of instruction should clearly explain what three aspects of the grammar that is being taught?

form, meaning, and use


List all the different forms of the "to be" verb.

am, is, are, was, were, be, been, being


What are the auxiliary verbs used to negate (AUX + not) the four tenses used to express present time? [HINT: There are 9 of them.]

do, does (simple present); am, is, are (present progressive); have, has (present perfect); have been; has been (present perfect progressive)


What are the two "verb expressions" that express some aspect of past time? 

used to and would


If a verb phrase has three verbs being used, where does the not go for negating?

regardless of the number of verbs, not goes after the first verb   (have caused = haven't caused; has been seen = has not been seen)


The teacher's main role during guided practice is to guide or direct students in their first attempt to use the new structure. Give two tasks/activities that are included in this role.

1) modeling the activity, 2) checking that students understand the task, 3) monitoring, and 4) providing feedback
