Who is the main character? (first and last name)
Philip Malloy
What is Philip's special talent?
What is the main setting of the story? (Full name)
Harrison high School
What type of reporter is Ms. Stewart for the local paper?
Education Reporter
What is Mr. Scarbrough's first name? (spelled correctly)
Who is the main character's English teacher?
Miss Narwin or Margaret (Peg) Narwin
What grade is Philip in?
9th or Freshman
What the true reason Philip is suspended?
Humming or creating a disturbance in class
What position is Ted Griffen running for?
Harrison School Board
What is Mr. Scarbrough's favorite number?
Who is the principal of Harrison High School?
Dr. Doane or Gertrude Doane
What is Philip's job?
How long is Philip suspended?
Two days
Where type of job does Philip's dad have?
Company or business job
What sports does Mr. Scarbrough coach?
Baseball and tennis
Who is the assistant principal of Harrison High School?
Dr. Palleni or Joseph Palleni
What is Philip's best subject in school?
Why can't Philip join the track team?
Failing grade in English
Where does Philip's mom work?
Phone Company
When is Mr. Scarbrough's birthday?
August 13
Who is the superintendent of Harrison District schools?
Dr. Seymour or Albert Seymour
Who is Philip's crush? (first and last name)
Allison Dorsett
What is the superintendent concerned with coming up?
Vote on school budget/money for schools
What lie does Philip and his dad continue to spread?
Philip was suspended for singing the National Anthem
Who is Mr. Scarbrough's favorite NBA player?
Tyrese Haliburton