15P van may not exceed ____ MPH.
What is 65
Who can authorize visitors to SPIKE housing?
What is RD/DRDUL.
When departing housing you must do this?
What is inform your TL of where you are going and when you plan to be back.
Profanity can be used while on duty, in SPIKE housing, & when officially representing NCCC.
What is NEVER!
Must be smaller than a dime (including hangar).
What is earrings/facial piercings.
Van drivers must drive within the posted speed limit, be mindful of the weather, and ______?
What is road conditions
Who must verbally authorize a visitor to your shared residence room?
What is roommate.
Must be worn when handling any type of wood.
What is gloves.
In NCCC you must bear your fair share of the workload.
What is Work Ethic.
NCCC uniform top must be tucked in.
What is interacting with the public and non NCCC personnel.
Team Leaders can authorize van usage up to ____ miles?
What is 25
What type of alcohol is authorized in housing?
What is none.
Required to be worn when chain sawing?
What is goggles, long sleeve shirt, helmet with shield and earmuffs, hearing protection, composite/steel toe boots, chaps, gloves, & BDU pants or bib overalls.
You are expected to shower, brush teeth, & maintain clean uniforms while serving.
What is personal hygiene.
Members must be in full uniform during travel.
What is one day travel and/or arrival to the project or housing site.
Gov van is not authorized to be parked in this area unless specifically authorized by the Unit Leader for each occurrence while on SPIKE?
What is parking garage.
The residence halls and campus
complex will be free of loud noises.
What is quiet hours?
10 p.m. to 7 a.m.
Sundays through Thursdays, and from midnight to
9:00 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays.
Buddy System
You are expected to be ready for training and service work.
What is AmeriTime/punctuality.
What is closed toe; closed heel.
Sponsor personnel may transport NCCC Members in their personal vehicles for work related tasks?
What is not unauthorized because of liability challenges.
When is it appropriate to reside in other than SPIKE housing?
What is a night before a non-workday.
All-encompassing safety information for NCCC.
What is the NCCC Safety Guide.
What authority determines prohibited substances in the NCCC?
What is Federal Law.
The normal duty / service uniform is?
What is the issued (1) T-shirt, polo shirt, or sweatshirt; (2) issued pants or shorts; and
(3) black belt.