This is used to measure various subjects?
Test Battery
This index is calculated by taking the number of persons tested who answered the item correctly divided by total number of person's tested.
Item difficulty Index
What is the process of assessing or estimating attributes?
This type of validity is rational or logic.
Does the test examine or sample the behavior under scrutiny.
Content Validity
This Validity tries to ascertain the social implications of using test?
Consequential Validity
Standard Deviation
This method: 1st half vs. 2nd half or randomly picks numbers to divide a test in half is called what?
Split-Half Correlation method
This validity refers to a test ability to measure a theoretical construct like intelligence or self esteem?
Construct Validity
True or False.....The GRE is a aptitude test and a achievement test?
(Lets discuss!!!!!)
Who developed the first test to determine which children would succeed in school?
Alfred Binet
I coined the term Eugenics and believed that intelligence was genetically determined and could be promoted through selective parenting. Also my cousin is Charles Darwin.
Francis Galton
This term is used when the rater's judgement plays little or no part in the scoring process.
Also referred to as a standard score. Measures the number of standard deviations a raw score is from the mean. This also uses zero as the mean.
This term is used when an attractive examinee might be given a higher rating.
Halo Effect
What are the 4 types of Reliability?
Test Re-Test Reliability
Parallel Forms Reliability
Inter-Rater Reliability
Internal Consistency
This measure compares traits with in the same individual. They do not compare a person to the other person who took the instrument. Ex. Kuder Career Planning instrument.
Ipsative Measures
This test uses pictures, is a projective test and consist of 31 cards
Association- Ex. What comes to mind seeing this inkblot.
Completion- Ex. Complete these sentences with real feelings.
Construction- Ex. Drawing a person
(Projective test- when a client is shown a neutral stimuli. It reveals hidden unconscious impulses!!!!!)
I developed theories on fluid and crystallized intelligence. I developed several assessments, including the 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire and the Culture Fair Intelligence.
Raymond Cattell
This test is designed to evaluate the level of mastery without a time limit.
Power Test
What is the standard deviation for Wechsler and for Stanford-Binet?
Wechsler= 15
Stanford-Binet= 16
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory(MMPI2), Beck Depression Inventory, and Myers- Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI)
This is the study of psychological measurement and thus a helper who primarily administers and interprets.
The Merrill-Palmer Scale of Mental test is an intelligence test for who?
Infants and children below age of 7 yrs old.
This is a nine-point scale used to convert as test score to a single digit. It' always a positive whole number from zero-nine.
Stanine (Standard Nine)