Think Fast
Story Time
Lend Me Your Ear
Changes (T/F)

This category gives you a short prep time to prepare a speech on a topic drawn at the tournament.

What is Limited Preparation?


This category of speech is great for students who enjoy acting!

What is an Interp/Interpretation? 


If you know how to write an essay, you could probably write this type of speech.

What is a Platform speech? (Informative or Persuasive acceptable.)


Scriptural support is required in an Apologetics speech.

False.  Scriptural support is no longer required. 


This type of speech is most likely to be based on a singular word, like "family."

What is an Impromptu?


One type of prompt you might find in an Impromptu room.

What is a_____? (Word, Phrase, Quote, or Table Topic)


A Biblical Thematic speech requires you to use this many selections of literature (one being a selection from scripture.)

What is 3?


This is the length of time you have to deliver a Platform speech. 

What is 10 minutes?


Stand-up comedy is not an approved literature selection for an Interpretation speech. 

False. Stand-up comedy acts, as well as comics, graphic novels, and strings of jokes have been removed as prohibited literature selections.


"Is God triune?" is an example of this kind of speech prompt.

What is Apol/Apologetics?


In Apologetics, this resource is allowed to be used in your competition round. 

What is _____? (Acceptable answers: Apol. box, notecards, Bible)


If you wanted to act out The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, but did not have a partner, you should choose this type of speech.

What is an Open?


This type of speech requires a computer. 

What is a Digital Presentation? (If you said Extemp, you do not get this correct.)


Your topic in Limited Prep speeches can be stated anytime during your speech.

True. You no longer need to state your topic at the beginning of your speech.


If I wanted to get laughs acting out my favorite children's book with my friend, I would choose this type of speech. 

What is a Duo?


This type of question will not be found in an Extemp room during preliminary rounds. 

What is an International question?


This is the maximum length of an Interpretation speech.

What is 10 minutes?


A speech trying to convince you to drink more water would most likely be found in this category. 

What is a Persuasive?


In-text parenthetical citations are required for supporting material. 

False.  The rule has changed and will only require verbal mentions and Works Cited. However, in-text parenthetical citations are still strongly recommended.


This is the only speech where I could recite a whole book of scripture, lay down on the ground pretending to die, and show off my prop-crafting skills all in one speech.

What is a Biblical Thematic?


Every Limited Prep speaker must do this, but it isn't required in the other categories of speeches.  

What is____? (State the topic/question, time your prep time, count UP timer, 


This is the only category where students are encouraged to steal someone else's idea (as long as you modify a literary element.)

What is an Original?


A boy who wanted tell the judges about his love for Rubik's cubes once did this kind of speech.

What is an Informative?


The Digital Presentation category received 5 changes this year.  

False.  Digital Presentation had 6(!) rule changes - the highest of any category!  If you plan to do a digital, make sure you're familiar with the detailed requirements of this category!


These two categories often prompt judges to recommend switching to the other category (of the two.) 

What are Informative and Persuasive?
