Dosage Calc
A nurse is preparing to administer morphine 0.05 mg/kg IV bolus to an infant who weighs 3 kg. Available is 0.5 mg/mL injection. How many mL's should the nurse administer?
0.3 mL 0.05 mg x 3 kg = 15 mg 15 mg/0.5mg = 0.3 mg 0.3 mg/1 mL = 0.3 mL
1. A nurse is reinforcing discharge teaching with a client who has COPD and has a new prescription for albuterol (Proventil). Which of the following statements made by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? A. “This medication can increase my blood sugar levels.” B. “This medication can decrease my immune response.” C. “I can have an increase in my heart rate while taking this medication.” D. “I can have mouth sores while taking this medication.”
C. "I can have an increase in my heart rate while taking this medication." Bronchodilators increase heart rate causing tachycardia
1. A nurse is providing teaching to a client who is taking allopurinol(Zyloprim), For which of the following side effects should the nurse instruct the client to discontinue taking the medication? A) nausea B) Metallic taste C) Fever D) Drowsiness
C) Fever Fever indicates a potentially fatal hypersensitivity reaction
1. Your 54 year old male HIV positive patient has just expired. How should you care for this deceased patient? A. Bathe the patient but it is no longer necessary to use standard precautions because the patient is deceased. B. Place the patient in a negative pressure isolated area of the morgue. C. Double shroud the patient to prevent the spread of infection. D. Bathe the patient using the same standard precautions you used when he was alive.
D. Bathe the patient using the same standard precautions you used when he was alive. You should bathe your patient as part of post mortem care using the same standard precautions that you did when the patient was alive. The patient is still infectious. Similarly, all patients are bathed after death using standard precautions. Double shrouding and an isolation area in the morgue with negative air pressure are not necessary.
1. The LPN/LVN prepares a client for a total hip replacement. Which observation by the LPN/LVN necessitates contacting the physician? A. The client’s hemoglobin is 15g/dL. B. The client complains about burning on urination C. The client complains of periodic heartburn. D. The client’s platelet count is 250,000/mm3
B. The client complains of periodic heartburn indicates urinary tract infection; an infection from any source in the body is a contraindication in any preoperative client but especially in clients having skeletal surgery, such as a total joint replacement.
A nurse is providing teaching regarding medication administration to a group of newly licensed nurses. Which of the following is a legal responsibility of the nurse? A. Prescribing the correct dosage B. Modifying the medication regimen C. Reporting medication errors D. Delegating administration to assistive personnel
C. Reporting medication errors The nurse is legally responsible for recording medication errors according to facility protocol
2. A nurse is reinforcing client instructions on the use of an incentive spirometer. Which of the following statements made by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? A. “I will place the adapter on my finger to read my blood oxygen saturation level.” B. “I will lie on my back with my knees bent.” C. “I will rest my hand on my abdomen to create resistance.” D. “I will take a deep breath in and hold it before relaxing.”
D. “I will take a deep breath in and hold it before relaxing.” The client should take a deep breath in and hold it 3-5 seconds before exhaling. As the client exhales, the needle on the spirometer rises. This promotes lung expansion.
2. A client is being treated with a 10 day course of gentamicin sulfate (Garamycin), which of the following findings should indicate to the nurse that the client is experiencing an adverse effect of this medication? A) Hypoglycemia B) Proteinuria C) Elevated Temperature D) Visual disturbances
B) Proteinuria Gentamicin can lead to nephrotoxicity. Proteinuria is an indication of renal damage
2. Which pain management task can the nurse safely delegate to nursing assistive personnel? A. Asking about pain during vital signs B. Evaluating the effectiveness of pain medication C. Developing a plan of care involving nonpharmacologic interventions D. administering over-the-counter pain medications
A. Asking about pain during vital signs The nurse can delegate the task of asking about pain when nursing assistive personnel (NAP) obtain vital signs. The NAP must be instructed to report findings to the nurse without delay. The nurse should evaluate the effectiveness of pain medications and develop the plan of care. Administering over-the-counter and prescription medications is the responsibility of the registered nurse or licensed practical nurse.
2. A 17-year-old high-school student is admitted to the psychiatric hospital. The student reports that during the previous weekend he argued with his brother and struck him. Later that evening, the client’s arm became paralyzed. The LPN/LVN identifies that the client will probably behave in which way? A. The client will appear calm about his paralysis. B. The client will be anxious about permanent damage. C. The client will improve with passive arm exercises. D.The client will recognize that his symptoms are psychological.
B. The client will be anxious about permanent damage. clients with conversion reactions usually appear calm and unconcerned with their physical manifestations; the anxiety is repressed and is converted into a physical symptom. Patient is anxious about arguing with his brother, but this anxiety is converted into physical symptoms, because there is no identifiable physical abuse, physical therapy is not the treatment of choice; treatment includes hypnosis, antianxiety medication, behavioral therapy
A nurse is preparing to administer doxycycline (Vibramycin) 100 mg PO every 12 hours. Available is doxycycline 50 mg tablets. How many tablets should the nurse administer per dose?
2 tablets 100mg x 1 tablet ______________ = 2 tablets 50 mg
3. A nurse is reinforcing teaching to a client who has TB. Which of the following statements should the nurse include when reinforcing teaching? A. “You will continue to tale the multimedication regimen for 4 months.” B. “You will need to provide sputum samples every 4 weeks to monitor the effectiveness of the medication.” C. “You will need to remain hospitalized for treatment.” D. “You will need to wear a mask at all times.”
B. “You will need to provide sputum samples every 4 weeks to monitor the effectiveness of the medication.” A client who needs to provide sputum samples every 2-4 weeks to monitor the effectiveness of the medication.
3. When administering the first dose of enalapril (Vasotec) to a client, which of the following should the nurse recognize as the priority assessment? A) Urine Output B) Respiratory Rate C) Blood pressure D) Level of consciousness
C) Blood pressure The greatest risk for the patient is orthostatic hypertension. Priority assessment is blood pressure.
3. What intervention is the best to relieve constipation during pregnancy? A. Increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables B. Taking a mild over-the-counter laxative C. Lying flat on back when sleeping D. Reduction of iron intake by half or more
A. Increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables Dietary roughage (or fiber) with sufficient fluids and exercise may help relieve constipation. Over-the-counter medications should be avoided during pregnancy. The supine position can place additional pressure on the aorta and vena cava, leading to vena cava syndrome. A reduction of iron supplements during pregnancy may reduce hemoglobin production and result in a less than an effective immune system.
3. The LPN/LVN cares for the school-aged child diagnosed with sickle cell anemia. It is most appropriate for the LPN/LVN to teach the child and parents about which? A. The child can lead a normal life. B. The child will need daily folic acid supplements. C. Vitamin B-12 cannot be absorbed from the stomach. D. Report any signs/symptoms of infection
D. Report any signs/symptoms of infection infectious processes are the primary causes of deaths in children with sickle cell anemia
A nurse is preparing to administer famotidine (Pepcid) 20 mg PO every 12 hours. Available is famotidine 40 mg tablets. How many tablets should the nurse administer per dose?
0.5 tablets 20 mg x 1 tablet _____________ = 0.5 tablets 40 mg
4. A nurse is preparing to administer a new prescription for isoniazid (INH) to a client who has tuberculosis. Which of the following is an appropriate statement by the nurse about this medication? A. “You may notice a yellowing of your skin.” B. “You nay experience a pain in your joints.” C. “You may notice tingling of your hands.” D. "You may experience a loss of appetite.”
C. “You may notice tingling of your hands.” Tingling of the hands is an adverse effect of INH
4. A nurse should recognize that aspirin therapy is contraindicated for children with viral illnesses due to the increased risk of which of the following? A) Reye’s Syndrome B) Renal failure C) Diabetes mellitus D) Wilms tumor
A) Reye's Syndrome Reye’s syndrome has an increased incidence in children who take aspirin during a viral illness.
4.Which action should the nurse take before administering morphine 4.0 mg intravenously to a patient complaining of incisional pain? A. Assess the patient's incision. B. Clarify the order with the prescriber. C. Assess the patient's respiratory status. D. Monitor the patient's heart rate.
C. Assess the patient's respiratory status. Before administering an opioid analgesic, such as morphine, the nurse should assess the patient's respiratory status because opioid analgesics can cause respiratory depression. It is not necessary to clarify the order with the physician because morphine 4 mg IV is an appropriate dose. It is not necessary to monitor the patient's heart rate.
4. While completing monthly drug update sheets at a nursing home, the LPN/LVN notes the sources of support available to each client. The LPN/LVN knows that a family member is most likely to visit or phone about the client if which of the following is true? A. The client is a member of a local church B. The client has a daughter C. The client has two sons D. The client has a healthy sibling
B. The client has a daughter daughters are more likely to attend to the care of an aging parent than are sons
A nurse is preparing to administer hydromorphone (Dilaudid) 4 mg PO every 6 hours PRN for pain. Available is hydromorphone oral liquid 5 mg/5 mL. How many mL's should the nurse administer per dose?
4 mL's 4 mg/5mg = 0.8 mg 0.8 mg/5 mL = 4 mL
5. A nurse is caring for client who is to receive fibrinolytic thrombolytic therapy. Which of the following should the nurse recognize as a contraindication to the therapy? A. Hip arthroplasty 2 weeks ago B. Elevated sedimentation rate C. Incident of exercise-induced asthma 1 week ago D. Elevated platelet count
A. Hip arthroplasty 2 weeks ago Clients who have undergone a major surgical procedure within the last 3 weeks should not receive thrombolytic therapy because of risk of hemorrhage at the surgical site.
5. A nurse is caring for a client receiving heparin for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis. The nurse correctly delivers the heparin by: A) Use subcutaneous sites in the abdomen B) Z track method C) Massage the site D) Orally
A) Use subcutaneous sites in the abdomen Subcutaneous tissue of the abdomen
5. Which disease decreases the metabolic rate? A. Cancer B. Hypothyroidism C. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease D. Cardiac failure
B. Hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism causes a decreased metabolic demand, so fewer calories are required. Cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or cardiac failure all increase the metabolic demands and the need for added calories.
5. A client with a diagnosis of severe anxiety does not eat sufficiently and begins to lose weight. Which of these approaches by the LPN/LVN is best for this client? A. Serve the client’s meals on a tray in the client’s room B. Sit with the client during mealtime and encourage eating C. Give the client high-calorie foods and drinks to carry. D. Set limits on the client’s activities in the dinning room.
B. Sit with the client during mealtime and encourage eating provide pleasant surroundings and companionship during meals; offer more frequent feeding and favorite foods because of decreased appetite