What is the normal heart rate range for a newborn?
110-160 bpm
Which patient should the RN assess first?
1. Post-op hip replacement with mild pain
2. Patient with a potassium of 3.2
3. Patient with sudden confusion.
Patient with sudden confusion (sign of hypoxia, stroke, sepsis, etc.)
Normal Potassium (K+) level?
3-5 bananas a day keeps cramps away! 🍌3.5-5.0 mEq/L
This medication makes you pee like a racehorse, so watch potassium!
Flushy Furosemide 🚽What is Furosemide
When the question asks “What’s the first/ priority action?”, what’s the golden rule?"
First you assess unless you’re gonna die in 5 seconds." ⏱️Assess first unless the patient is actively crashing.
In what order do you suction a newborn after delivery?
Mouth first, then nose.
What’s the highest priority for a patient admitted with a suspected stroke?
CT scan to rule out hemorrhage.
INR for a patient on warfarin — sweet spot?
2-3 keeps the clots at bay! 💉2.0-3.0
This antibiotic can turn your pee orange—don’t freak out!
What is Rifampin?
If 2 answers seem good, but 1 is "assess" and 1 is "intervene" — which first?
You can’t fix what you didn’t check! 👀Assess!
What is the priority intervention for a child with epiglottitis?
Maintain airway—do not inspect throat, call for help, prepare for intubation.
What is the priority action for a patient who just returned from a bronchoscopy?
Check airway and gag reflex.
Early sign of sepsis in vital signs?
💓Increased heart rate.
This med gives you a cough so annoying you’ll think you swallowed a kazoo.
KaaaZOOOOpril 🎺What is Lisinopril?
In NCLEX world, what’s your best friend if all the answers seem wrong?"
Least evil wins!” 😈The "most safety-focused" or "most assessment-first" option usually wins.
What does the acronym APGAR stand for?
Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration.
You are caring for a patient with heart failure. Their weight increased by 5 pounds in 3 days. What’s the priority nursing action?
Notify the provider (sign of fluid retention/worsening heart failure).
What lab for Heparin?
Heparin Has (a) PTT! 🧪aPTT
This medication says "NO GRAPEFRUIT FOR YOU!"
Statin Says Stop! 🍊What is a Statin (like Atorvastatin)?
SATA questions should feel like a ____.
Checklist at change of shift. ✅Step-by-step nursing process checklist.
What is a common sign of magnesium toxicity in a pregnant patient receiving magnesium sulfate for preeclampsia?
Decreased deep tendon reflexes and respiratory depression.
Your patient has a potassium of 2.9. What cardiac change do you expect on the monitor?
U waves and PVCs (early beats)
What lab goes bonkers with pancreatitis?
Amylase Attacks! 😡Amylase & Lipase
You took this for pain and now your ears are ringing like jingle bells.
Silent Night? Nope, Salicylate! 🎶What is Aspirin?
Avoid these questions terms
Avoid absolutes: Be wary of answer choices with words like "always," "never," or "only".