Anatomy & Physiology
Mental Health
The LPN cares for a preschool aged child receiving cyclophosphamide (cytoxan) for the treatment of neuroblastoma. Which nursing intervention is most important to incorporate in the plan of care? 1. Encourage eating fresh fruits. 2. Increase intake of oral fluids. 3. Observe for foot drop. 4. Restrict dietary sodium.
2. Increase intake of oral fluids.
The nurse would assess for what signs of thrombocytopenia? (Select all that apply) 1. Purpura 2. Hematuria 3. Platelet level of 350,000/mm3 4. Epistaxis 5. Bleeding gums 6. Prolonged menstruation
1. Purpura 2. Hematuria 4. Epistaxis 5. Bleeding gums 6. Prolonged menstruation
Asking a client to tip her head to one side and slightly forward while palpating either side of the trachea at the lower half of the neck and then asking the client to swallow is the correct technique for examining: 1. Lymph nodes 2. ROM in the neck 3. Symmetry of the skull 4. Thyroid gland
4. Thyroid gland
The LPN observes a child diagnosed with heart failure during a play period. What will the LPN expect to observe? 1. Child assumes the side-lying position after running. 2. Child gets into squatting position after swinging. 3. Child lies with the head below the chest after playing. 4. Child lies flat on a bench after jumping rope.
3. Child gets into squatting position after swinging.
An LPN cares for a client who has delusions. The client approaches the nurse and states, "I am the king of the country. I am all powerful." What is the best response by the LPN? 1. You are a U.S. citizen and you sell real estate 2. Offer to be present with the client 3. Do not argue with the client or attempt to disprove the delusion 4. "I'll be the queen, so let's go help the others prepare for group assignments."
3. Do not argue with the client or attempt to disprove the delusion
A nurse is monitoring a client who received regular doses of meperdine (Demerol) for post-operative pain for 36 hours. For which of the following should the nurse monitor the client? 1. hypothermia 2. Bradycardia 3. Delirium 4. Watery Diarrhea
2. Delirium
While patient teaching, which symptoms should the nurse include when reviewing insulin shock with a patient recently diagnosed with diabetes? 1. Drowsiness, weakness, thirst, nausea and vomiting, dry skin, and flushed face 2. Rapid pulse and respirations, restlessness, dizziness, headache, elevated temperature, and pain 3. Low blood pressure, rapid pulse, confusion, and pale skin 4. Trembling, irritability, confusion, hunger, profuse perspiration, blurred or double vision, and poor concentration
4. Trembling, irritability, confusion, hunger, profuse perspiration, blurred or double vision, and poor concentration
When assessing a client’s skin temperature, the nurse should use which part of the hand? 1. Fingertips 2. Dorsal surface 3. Palmar Surface 4. Base of hand
2. Dorsal surface
To confirm a patient’s pregnancy, the nurse should give which instructions regarding the required urine specimen? 1. Give a voided specimen during her first visit 2. Instruct her on how to give a sterile specimen in the office 3. Tell her to withhold fluid intake during the night and bring in the first voided specimen in the morning 4. Tell her a catheterized specimen will be required
3. Tell her to withhold fluid intake during the night and bring in the first voided specimen in the morning
A client comes to the clinic because the family is complaining that the client is either sleeping all day or constantly active for several days without sleeping. The LPN would anticipate which medical diagnosis? 1. Depression 2. Mania 3. Anxiety 4. Bipolar Disorder
4. Bipolar Disorder
A nurse is reinforcing teaching for a client who is to begin taking a new prescription for niacin (Niacor). The nurse should intruct the client to expect which of the following? 1. Facial flushing 2. Frontal headache 3. Blurred Vision 4. Dry mouth
1. Facial flushing
The LPN cares for a client diagnosed with right-sided heart failure. The LPN expects the client to exhibit which symptoms? 1. Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea 2. Pedal edema 3. Anorexia 4. Dyspnea 5. Cough 6. Weight gain
2. Pedal edema 3. Anorexia 6. Weight gain
Assessment of an older adult client reveals significant tenting of the skin over his forearm. Which of the following best explains this finding? 1. Loss of adipose tissue and elasticity 2. Parchment-like skin 3. Flaking and dryness 4. Skin tags
1. Loss of adipose tissue and elasticity
A 4-week old infant is brought to the pediatrician’s office with symptoms of weight loss, irritability, and projectile vomiting. On physical examination the infant appears dehydrated. From these symptoms the nurse suspects that the infant probably has: 1. Tetralogy of Fallot 2. Pyloric stenosis 3. Esophageal atresia 4. Intussusception
2. Pyloric stenosis
The LPN cares for a client scheduled for a femoral-popliteal bypass surgery. The family reports that the client consumes 8-10 beers a day. What will the LPN expect to observe during acute alcohol withdrawal? 1. Thirst, diarrhea, headache 2. Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia 3. Tachypnea, dry oral mucosa, increased appetite 4. Increased BP, diaphoresis, tremors
4. Increased BP, diaphoresis, tremors
A nurse is caring for a group of clients who came to the clinic for a sesonal influenza vaccination. Which of the following clients can receive the vaccine via nasal spray rather than injection? 1. A 1 year old with no health problems 2. A 17 year old with a hypersenitivity to penicillin 3. A 25 year old client who is pregnant 4. A 52 year old client who takes a multivitamin
2. A 17 year old with a hypersenitivity to penicillin
The LPN cares for a client who is scheduled to have a thoracentesis. The LPN recalls that which is the correct positioning of the client for the procedure? 1. Client lies prone with arms extended over the side of the bed 2. Client sits on the side of the bed and leans upper torso over the bedside table with head resting on folded arms 3. Client sits upright on the side of the bed with arms extended above the head 4. Client is placed in semi-Fowler's position with arms raised above the head.
2. Client sits on the side of the bed and leans upper torso over the bedside table with head resting on folded arms
Assessment of the musculoskeletal system should begin with which of the following steps? 1. Measuring the length of limbs 2. Testing ROM 3. Inspection of symmetry and posture 4. Assessment of muscle strength
3. Inspection of symmetry and posture
A 2-week old newborn has been admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of possible hydrocephalus. Which assessment would be most important for the nurse to make? 1. Fasting blood sugar checks each morning 2. Frequent neurovascular checks 3. Specific gravity on all urine output 4. Daily head circumference measurement
4. Daily head circumference measurement
The LPN recalls that dissociative identity disorder (DID) is associated with which client's characteristic? 1. Sudden inability to recall personal information 2. Excessive preoccupation with an imagined defect in one's physical appearance 3. Sudden onset of hostility, aggression, and disorganized auditory hallucinations 4. Presence of 2 or more completely seperate personalities existing within one body
4. Presence of 2 or more completely seperate personalities existing within one body
A client who has Parkinson's disease is prescribed levodopa/carbidopa (Sinement) and pramipexole (Mirapex). For which of the following should the nurse monitor the client? 1. Urinary hesitancy 2. Watery diarrhea 3. Weight gain 4. Orthostatic hypotension
4. Orthostatic hypotension
The LPN cares for a client reporting nausea, vomiting, and continuous RLQ abdominal pain. What comfort measures can help relieve the abdominal discomfort until the MD assesses the client? 1. Give the client small sips of tea to promote relaxation 2. Apply a warm blanket to the abdomen 3. Encourage the client to assume a side-lying position with the knees drawn to the chest 4. Give the client a pillow to splint the abdomen
3. Encourage the client to assume a side-lying position with the knees drawn to the chest
Dorsiflexion of the feet is assessed by instructing the client to: 1. Point toes toward the head 2. Point toes toward the floor 3. Turn soles of feet outward 4. Turn soles of feet inward
1. Point toes toward the head
Decreases in fetal heart rate during labor are called: 1. Accelerations 2. Decelerations 3. Baseline Rate 4. Variability
2. Decelerations
The LPN cares for a client with a paralyzed arm. Diagnostic tests reveal no physical reason for the problem. Which defense mechanism does the LPN recognize the client has? 1. Repression 2. Sublimation 3. Symbolization 4. Conversion
4. Conversion