Fluids and Electrolytes
Hematologic Disorders
Respiratory System
GI, Liver, and Pancreas

In a hypotonic solution, where does the fluid shift?

Ex. ECF to ICF or ICF to ECF?

What is ECF to ICF

"into the O"


Following a bronchoscopy, what should the nurse assess for prior to offering fluids?

What is gag reflex


Nursing interventions for what disease process includes eating 4-6 small meals a day, not eating 3 hours before bed, elevate the HOB after meals, and administration of proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole. 



Daryl has just been diagnosed with Gout. He asks you if there is anything he can do to help lower uric acid besides medications. What food and drink should he avoid to reduce flare up's?

What is purines and alcohol 


Two part-

In diabetes insipidus, what hormone is affected? and how is it affected? (increased or decreased)

What is decreased ADH


3 Part Question:

What are the normal range values for pH, PCO2, and HCO3?

What is...

pH 7.35 to 7.45

PCO2 35 to 45

HCO3 22 to 26


What is considered a positive Mantoux test?

induration of greater than 10mm between 24-48 hours following injection


What disease is characterized by inflammation extending throughout all layers of the GI tract, resembles "cobblestone" appearance of ulcers, and bleeding is rare.  

Chron's Disease


Two Parts-

Your patient comes into the clinic complaining of pain when he gets up first thing in the morning affecting both knees. What is your diagnosis? And what class of medications should you expect the provider to prescribe?

What is Rheumatoid arthritis and DMARDS


Two part-

What disease can be characterized by having too little cortisol? and how can the skin be affected?

Bonus- What disease is characterized by too much cortisol?

What is Addison's Disease and hyperpigmentation

Bonus - What is Cushing's Disease


What acid-base imbalance is this patient experiencing?

pH 7.47

PCO2 29

HCO3 22

What is respiratory acidosis


A patient presents to the clinic with dyspnea, a productive cough that yields a thick sputum, and shallow and rapid respirations. His oxygen saturation is 88%. He states has been a smoker his whole life. What is your diagnosis?



A patient presents to the ER with sharp RUQ pain that extends to the shoulder. They state that their last bowel movement was clay-colored and experienced N/V following dinner which was McDonald's. What is your diagnosis. 

Gallbladder disease- Cholecystitis


Steve arrives to the ER via EMS after crashing his motorcyle and breaking his leg. When he gets to the ER he is A&O x4. An hour later, he is asking where he is. His vital signs are HR 112 and RR 23. He is complaining of chest pain and has developed petechiae over his torso. What do you think has developed?

What is fat embolism


Two part-

Carol has come into the clinic to discuss recent concerns with her provider. She states that she has been having trouble sleeping at night and feels tired during the day. She has been eating much more due to recent stressors but has lost 5 pounds in the last few weeks. What do you think is her diagnosis? and what labs would be elevated?

What is hyperthyroidism and T3/T4


A patient presents to the ER with severe pain rating it 9/10. They have a fever of 101.3F and O2 of 89. They are requesting IV pain medication since "this happens a few times a year". What do you believe is the diagnosis in patient's medical history?

What is sickle cell anemia


A patient who is postoperative 3 days suddenly has an onset of chills and a productive cough. The nurse takes his vital signs. They are as follows: temperature 101.3F and O2 89%. When ascultating the lungs, she notes crackles bilaterally. What is your diagnosis?



You are about to administer medication via G-tube to your patient. What are the two things you should assess prior to each feeding?

What is gastric pH and residual


A 65-year old post-menopausal woman comes into the clinic for her yearly check-up. She states she thinks she has shrunk since her last visit. She also has been an avid smoker since her early ages. What would you diagnosis the patient with? and what can she do at home to help?

What is osteoporosis and strength training exercises


What is happening to calcium in hypoparathyroidism?

What is hypocalcemia (more calcium is in the bones)

What food(s) from the list below would you encourage a patient with folic acid deficiency anemia to add to their diet?






What is broccoli, spinach, and oranges


When performing suctions on a patient, how long should each pass be? How long should you wait in between passes? When should you use a clean technique vs a sterile technique?

What is...

suction 10-15 secs

allow 20-30 secs in between

clean technique- oral

sterile technique- all others


What two enzymes are elevated in patients with pancreatitis?

What is amylase and lipase


What are the 3 positions that all post-hip replacement patients need to know?

What is do not allow legs to go past midline, do not flex the hip more than 90 degrees, and keep the legs adducted.


How much of simple carbohydrates should you give to a patient if they become hypoglycemic? What if the client is unconscious, what would you do to raise the blood sugar?

What is 15 grams of simple carbohydrates and administer glucagon IM
