He is associated with Person Centered Therapy
Carl Rogers
A - Activating Event, B- Belief, C- Consequence
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
case that set a precedent that counselors have a duty to take reasonable care to protect the intended victim. Known as 'duty to warn.'
Tarasoff vs. The Regents of the Univ of California
Myers Briggs Type Indicator, a personality inventory based on Jung's 4 continuums of personality: Introvert-extravert, thinking-feeling, sensing-intuiting, and judging-perceiving
The amount of variation from the average
Standard Deviation
Researcher who developed the psychosocial stages of development, a stage theory that considers a 'crisis' of each developmental period. There are 8 stages that start at birth and follow an individual through all ife stages.
Erik Erikson
a whole-person approach that seeks to integrate the person into a functional being. Uses confrontation as a way to increase a client's self-esteem.
Gestalt Therapy
a legal rule that protects communications within certain relationships from compelled disclosure in a court proceeding
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. A self-report questionnaire that measures personality traits.
The middle score in a data set, when listed in numerical order. (1,2,3,4,5...this is 3)
He is associated with Reality Therapy
William Glasser
an approach that focuses on the negative and rigid thinking the client maintains that is impacting his behavior
REBT Therapy
the organization that establishes the code of ethics for counselors.
The American Counseling Organization (ACA)
A self-report questionnaire designed to screen for depression.
The statistical average of all of the scores in a data set. (3, 5, 3, 4, 5.... This is 4)
He is associated with REBT Therapy
Albert Ellis
an approach that places the responsibility for change on the client.
Reality Therapy
Autonomy, Normaleficence, Beneficence, Justice, Veracity, Fidelity
Key principals of the ACA Code of Ethics
Self Directed Search
One of two career and interest measures developed from Holland's 6 types. The other is the Strong Interest Inventory.
the most frequently occurring score in a data set. (1, 5, 5, 7, 9, 5...this is 5)
He is associated with Gestalt Therapy
Fritz Perls
an approach that values the empathy, unconditional positive regard and genuineness a counselor has for a client as the underlying driver for change in the client.
Person Centered Therapy
Occurs in counseling when a counselor has not clearly defined his or her boundaries and can often occur when a counselor is attempting to blend roles (teacher/counselor, mentor/coach, sponsor/counselor)
Slippery Slope Phenomenon
a brief intervention for assessment of substance use disorders. It stands for Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral and Treatment.
A problem solving principle. It posits that among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Put another way: often the simplest, least complicated answer is the correct one.
Occam's Razor