Health Promotion 1
Health Promotion 2

This 2 components require perceptiveness of a multitude of  principles to assist the older adult. 

What is health promotion & disease prevention?


This term was coined by whom and in what year?

Who is Butler in 1969?


Reducing these risks is a form of primary prevention. 

What is lifestyle risks?


Name the three most common prefixes for Cephalosporin drugs. 

What is Cef (cefadroxil), Kef (keflex), Ceph (Cephlexin). 


The nurse must complete this to interceded correctly. 

What is assess?

A combination of 3 components which reflect a bias to an individual or group of others for their length of lived time or lack thereof. 

What is ageism?


The nurse should encourage this behavior of the older adult for health promotion. 

What is compliant behavior?


Your patient has the following: 8oz of OJ, 6oz of water, 8oz of milk, 1000ml of LRs at 50mls per hr, 

250ml of urine over 4 hours, 1 stool episode, and 100% of breakfast consumed which includes: a bowl of oatmeal, 2 eggs, toast, and 4oz of coffee. What is the total I&O in mls. (round to the nearest whole number)

What is 1780ml intake, and 250ml output?


Nurses must be attentive to services covered under this to advocate for the older adult. 

What is Medicare services?

In what year was the necessity for gerontologic nursing referenced? 

What is 1925? (column in AJN entitled “Care of the Aged.”)


This should only be used as a supplement and not a replacement for traditional wellness check. 

What is Telehealth or Telemedicine?

either is acceptable


Your patient has the following vitals: 12R, 59HR, 98% O2 sat, 98.4T, and 112/76 B/P. The physician orders digoxin 125mcg PO qd am with breakfast. The medication was ordered as the patient has a tachycardia hx. How should the nurse proceed?

What is do not administer the medication due to HR and consult the physician?


At this level nurses can prompt change to the state department to advocate for the older adults. 

What is the regional level?

Ageism can contribute to this state of the older adult which will decrease their quality of life?

What is social isolation?


This stage of the nursing process requires action of the plan that aligns with the goal and intervention. 

What is the implementation stage?


This person was a pivotal figure in their field with a love of writing, and travel for which we always end with a sconce to welcome the passage.  

Who is Florence Nightingale?


This comprised of geriatric mental health nurses who are educationally graduate level prepared to provide services to the older adult for one of the most common conditions amongst them. 

What is Geropsychiatry or Geropsychiatric nursing?

either is acceptable


Ageism can affect the older adult in these two areas which can be detrimental to their health. 

What is physically and emotionally?


These two components can pose a significant hurdle in proper health habits for the older adult. 

What is Language and Culture?


This program is funded by Medicare & Medicaid and aims to provide primary, acute, and LTC services for the older adult who is eligible. 

What is the PACE program? (Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly)
