How long had the man in chapter 9 been blind?
a. 7 years
b. 40 years
c. Since birth
d. 38 years
1 c. Since birth
What did Jesus call anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate?
a. A trader
b. The watchman
c. The shepherd
d. A thief and a robber
1 d. A thief and a robber
Which of the following men reclined at a table with Jesus while in Bethany in John 12?
a. Peter
b. Lazarus
c. James
d. John
2 b. Lazarus
What festival are Jesus and his disciples about to observe as John 13 begins?
a. Passover
b. Rosh Hashanah
c. Feast of the New Moon
d. Purim
1 a. Passover
What did Jesus say his Father was?
a. The harvester
b. The gardener
c. The branch
d. The fruit
1 b. The gardener
According to Jesus, why was the man in Chapter 9 blind?
a. So God's works could be displayed in him
b. As punishment for his father's sin
c. As punishment for his own sin
d. To teach others about compassion
3 a. So God's works could be displayed in him
In John 10, how specifically did Jesus describe his relationship with the Father?
a. Advocate
b. As a sheep and a shepherd
c. Different but the same
d. They are one
30 d. They are one
What was Jesus riding when he entered Jerusalem to attend the Feast?
a. A white horse
b. A cart pulled by two oxen
c. A chariot
d. A donkey
14 d. A donkey
What happened to Judas as soon as he took bread from Jesus?
a. The curse of muteness fell on him
b. Satan entered into him
c. He was filled with great peace
d. His sight was taken from him
27 b. Satan entered into him
According to Jesus in John 15, what can man do apart from Jesus?
a. Little
b. Many things
c. Nothing
d. Some things
5 c. Nothing
What did some of the Pharisees say was proof that Jesus was not from God?
a. He was not from the tribe of Levi
b. He did not keep the Sabbath
c. He had been born in a manger
d. His father was a carpenter
16 b. He did not keep the Sabbath
Who were Lazarus' sisters?
a. Mary and Martha
b. Elizabeth and Mary
c. Martha and Elizabeth
d. Mary and Anna
1-2 a. Mary and Martha
What happened after Jesus said, “Father, glorify your name?”
a. A dove landed on Jesus' head
b. The donkey spoke
c. The earth shook
d. A voice spoke from heaven
28 d. A voice spoke from heaven
Who did Jesus say could go to the Father through something other than him?
a. Levites
c. All believers
b. Pharisees
d. No one
6 d. No one
Why does Jesus say he no longer calls his disciples servants?
a. They would soon be sent out
b. He would soon give them new tasks
c. He had pruned them from the vine
d. Servants do not know their master's
15 d. Servants do not know their master's
After the Pharisees threw the man healed of blindness out of the synagogue, who found
him and asked if he believed in the Son of Man?
a. His mother
b. His father
c. Jesus
d. One of the Pharisees
35 c. Jesus
How many days had Lazarus been in the tomb when Jesus reached Bethany?
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. Five
17 c. Four
What did those who would not acknowledge Jesus love more than praise from God?
a. Money
b. Human praise
c. Earthly power
d. Participation in the feasts
43 b. Human praise
What did Jesus tell the disciples to do if they loved him?
a. Disregard the Pharisees
b. Stop visiting the temple
c. Keep his commands
d. Reject the Law of Moses
15 c. Keep his commands
What did Jesus call the disciples instead of servants?
a. Friends
b. Family
c. Brethren
d. Children of God
15 a. Friends
What did Jesus tell the Pharisees remained because they claimed they could see?
a. Guilt
b. Love
c. Friendship
d. Sorrow
41 a. Guilt
Who stopped moving around publicly in Judea when the Jews plotted to take Jesus' life?
a. Jesus
b. Caiaphas
c. The Sanhedrin
d. Lazarus, Mary, and Martha
54 a. Jesus
What did Jesus say he came to do?
a. Judge the world
b. Save the world
c. Sing to the world
d. Quiet the world
47 b. Save the world
How does Jesus say the disciples should feel about him returning to the Father?
a. Glad
b. Mournful
c. Uncertain
d. Curious
28 a. Glad
What writing was to be fulfilled by the things described in John 15:18-24?
a. In the Father's house there are many
b. They hated me without reason
c. He shall bruise your head, and you shall
bruise His heel
d. But about that day or hour no one knows
25 b. They hated me without reason