This European capital is home to the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum.
What is Paris?
Shifra and Pua were Egyptian midwives that saved Jewish children in Egypt. Midrash tells us it is this mother/daughter duo
Who are Yocheved and Miriam?
Jerusalem, Beit Shemesh, Modiin, Ranana and Gush Etzion
What are NCSY Israel Chapters?
This animal is the symbol of Jerusalem?
What is the Lion?
This hit song by חנן בן ארי lists all the contradictions within his personality, from being both "חזק אבל נשבר" to "שמח אבל מדוכא".
What is אלוף העולם?
The only capital city in the world that sits on two continents, Europe and Asia.
What is Ankara?
Although I have a more recognizable name, I was Egypt's #2 as צפנת פנעח
Who is Yosef?
Jerusalem, Chevron, Tevaria and Tzfat
What are the holy cities?
The striped hyena, Israel’s largest land carnivore, is mostly active during this time of day.
What is nighttime/nocturnal?
In this song, חנן בן ארי describes a woman who isn't perfect but is still the "most beautiful" in his eyes.
What is השמש?
This North American capital, known for its canals and tulips, is sometimes mistaken for being the capital of its larger neighbor
What is Ottawa?
They call me Hatach, and I run messages between Mordechai and Ester. In a different stage of life I had this name and interpreted dreams.
Who is Daniel?
Nokdim, Tekoa and Maaleh Amos
What is East Gush Etzion?
This cuddly animal is spotted across the negev and parts of Jerusalem
What is a hyrax?
In this emotional song, חנן בן ארי reflects on the challenges of raising children and the desire to be a good parent.
What is אמא?
This Asian capital is known as the "Forbidden City" and hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics.
What is Beijing?
Malkitzedek congratulated Avraham after his victory over the four kings. Midrash gives us a different name which means this was a family reunion.
Who is Shem?
An ancient city up north with lots of old shuls and graves
what is Tzfat?
This national bird has an army unit and a lite rail station named for it.
What is דוכיפת (Hoopoe)?
Chanan grew up in this city, being influenced by both religious and secular musicians.
What is Beer Sheva
This Middle Eastern capital, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world and is even mentioned in Sefer Breishit
What is Damascus?
I am one of Israel's most renowned warriors, I was asked to become king, and I refused. History knows me by this name but at the time everyone called me Yerubal.
Who is Gidon?
This city is not D-City but its right next to it.
What is Maaleh Adumim?
This deadly snake is the most dangerous in Israel
What is the צפע מצוי (Daboia palaestinae)?
This song explains that each person experiences a little bit of what each character in tanach goes through.
What is אני חולם כמו יוסף