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This guideline may be used to process imaging requests ordered to evaluate for a parotid gland mass.

What is Neck-11?


Unless found incidentally on CT, MRI, or PET, this laboratory study needs to be measured/provided in the initial evaluation of thyroid nodule, mass, asymmetry, or goiter.

What is TSH? 



For more suspicious or larger thyroid nodules, if Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) is not performed or was not diagnostic for malignancy, this imaging modality can be repeated.

*Please include both the modality/anatomy location.

What is a Neck Ultrasound?

(Note: imaging time interval for follow-up depends on the sonographic pattern (i.e. the suspicion level). Neck-8.1)


You will need to reroute a study request for an indication of laryngeal palsy to this specialty.

What is the Neuro specialty?

(Neck-7, reroutes you to HD-7)


Depending on the level of the lesion, this imaging study, as represented by CPT code of 70491, may be indicated to evaluate a structural lesion identified on esophagram that requires further evaluation.

What is a CT Neck with contrast?



This guideline could be used to process an imaging request being ordered to evaluate for segmental or lobar lung collapse. 

What is Neck-9.1?


This is the initial study that would be used to evaluate an anterior neck mass that was tender.

What is Neck Ultrasound?



This imaging can be used to follow-up a neck mass for which CT suggest further imaging is needed.

*Please include the modality/anatomy/contrast level.

What is Neck MRI without and with contrast (CPT® 70543)?



You will need to reroute an imaging request for an indication of a known malignancy of the neck to this specialty.

What is the Oncology specialty?

(Neck-6, reroutes you to ONC-3,4,6,9,27,28)


For a suspected vascular ring, this study, as represented by the CPT code 71552, may be indicated.

What is an MRI Chest without and with contrast?



An imaging request to evaluate for suspected vascular ring would be best reviewed using this guideline.

What is Neck-3.1?


You may want to ask for these labs in working an imaging request being ordered to evaluate for suspected primary hyperparathyroidism.

What are serum PTH and serum calcium?



These imaging studies can be used to further evaluate structural lesions found on endoscopy done for esophageal dysphagia.

*Please include both the modality/anatomy location.

What is a CT Neck (CPT® 70491), CT Chest (CPT® 71260) and/or CT Abdomen (CPT® 74160) depending on the level of the lesion.)?



An imaging study requested for oropharyngeal dysphagia, should be forwarded to this specialty if a neurological cause is suspected.

What is Neuro?



For a substernal goiter with dyspnea, this imaging study, as represented by the CPT codes 78013 or 78014, may be indicated.

What is a Nuclear medicine thyroid scan?



To review an imaging request ordered to evaluate for a suspected peritonsillar abscess, one might use this guideline.

What is Neck-5.1?


This initial imaging would be required prior to advanced imaging in the evaluation of suspected foreign body impaction and ingested foreign bodies.

What are plain films?



This imaging study may be approved to follow-up on an ultrasound whose results were noted to be indeterminate for cervical lymphadenopathy measuring 1.4cm.

*Please include the modality/anatomy/contrast level.

What is a Neck CT with contrast (CPT® 70491)?



You will need to reroute an imaging request for an indication of Carotid Disease to this specialty.

What is the Cardiology specialty?

(Neck-2, reroutes you to PVD-3: Cerebrovascular and Carotid Disease)


This study, as represented by CPT code of 78070, may be indicated to evaluate for suspected classic primary hyperparathyroidism.

What is Parathyroid Planar Imaging?



To review an imaging request ordered to evaluate for suspicion of ectopic thyroid tissue, you may want to use this guideline.

What is Neck-8.1?


Per the guidelines, these imaging studies/procedures should be performed initially for evaluating patients with suspected tracheal and visualized bronchial pathology.

What are plain x-rays of the neck and chest and bronchoscopy?



This imaging is indicated to follow a negative CT Neck with contrast (CPT® 70491), and/or MRI Cervical Spine without contrast (CPT® 72141), or CT Cervical Spine without contrast (CPT® 72125), in an adult being evaluated for non-traumatic torticollis.

*Please include the modality/anatomy/contrast level.

What is an MRI Brain without and with contrast (CPT® 70553) ?

(Neck 10.2)


You will need to reroute an imaging request for an indication of neck pain with cervical radiculopathy to this specialty.

What is the Ortho-Spine specialty?



For an evaluation of traumatic torticollis in an adult, this imaging study, represented as CPT code 72125, may be indicated.

What is a CT Cervical Spine without contrast ?

