Gloomy Thoughts
Hype Thoughts
Omen Thoughts
Fault Thoughts
Heart & Rule Thoughts

What is a "gloomy thought"

Focusing on the negative


What is a "Hype Thought"

Making something small into a big deal. 


What is a Omen Thought?

Predicting bad things will happen.


What is a Fault Thought?

Blaming myself or something/someone else.


What is a Heart Thought. 

Only listening to my feelings and ignoring everything else.


True or False. Ignoring the positives increase gloomy thoughts.



What are 4 types of Hype thoughts?

Always thinking- Negative thoughts using words like never, nothing, always, or all. 

All or Nothing- Thinking about events, people, or myself as entirely bad or entirely good. 

Disaster Zone- Thinking negative consequences are certain even if they are unlikely to happen.

I Know Who You Are- Labeling someone or something negatively based on one or two events.


What are two types of Omen Thoughts?

Weatherman- Predicting that events will turn out badly in the future. 

Mind Reader- Making assumptions about what other people think or why they are doing something. 


What are 4 types of Fault Thoughts?

Blame Game- Blaming myself for things I can't control or for simple mistakes. 

Change Already!- Thinking that someone else needs to change for me to be happy.

It's all your fault- Blaming others for things that happen to me that I have control over. 

I'm Always Right- Needing to be right even when I am clearly in the wrong or when it doesn't matter. 


What is a Rule Thought?

Focusing on what I think should happen.


Give an example of a gloomy thought.

Answers will vary. 

Example: I only scored one goal. I should have scored more. We almost didn't win. 


Give an example of a Hype Thought.

Answers may vary.

Example: I forgot to turn in my book report. Now I am going to fail.


Give an example of an Omen Thought.

Answers may vary.

We are probably going to miss all the rides because of the rain and just have to turn around. We shouldn't even bother. 


What is a positive alternative thought for this Fault Thought?

I got ketchup on my library book. If they didn't give us those stupid ketchup packets at lunch, this wouldn't have happened. 

Answers may vary. 


Make an example of a rule thought with living independently.

Answers may vary

What is a positive alternative thought to this gloomy thought?

"I'm so terrible at these games. I'm just not athletic."

Answers may vary. 

Example: "I might not be good at this game but I am great at other things" 

"I can practice more and learn how to play this game better"


What is a positive alternative thought for this Hype Thought?

"I got in a fight with my mom. I am never talking to her again! That's it!

Answers may vary.

Example: Maybe there was a misunderstanding. I should cool down and then talk to my mom about it. 


What is a positive alternative thought for this Omen Thought?

"I accidentally knocked a full cup in the kitchen and made a mess. My mom is going to be really mad at me. 

Answers may vary.

Example: "It was an accident and I can..."


Give an example of a Fault Thought. 

Answers may vary. 

Example: I cheated on my spelling test. Spelling tests are a waste of time. 


What is a positive alternative thought for this Heart Thought. 

"I am able to live alone because no one trusts me to live alone. I'm being controlled."

Answers may vary. 


What is a positive alternative thought to this gloomy thought?

"What a stupid mistake! How did I miss it? It's such an easy word"

Answers may vary. 

Example: "Everyone makes mistakes sometimes"

"I will try harder next time"

"I will ask for help next time"


What is a positive alternative thought to this Hype Thought?"

The baseball game is canceled because of the rain. We are never going to get to go. Everyone else gets to go on fun trips except for me. 

Answers may vary. 

Example: "I'm sure I will get to go another day. We will all get a chance to go somewhere another time. 


What is a positive alternate thought for this Omen Thought?

"Today is the class party. It will probably get canceled because of our behavior with the substitute yesterday"

Answers may vary.

"We might have some consequences for our behavior yesterday but the party will still be fun!"


What is a positive alternative thought for this Fault Thought?

"A friend heard me say that he is a baby. I wouldn't have said that if he wasn't always crying about something"

Answers may vary



