Upon arriving at Jerusalem he spent day and night doing what
What is inspecting the walls of Jerusalem? (Nehemiah 2:11-15)
His job title during and after the restoration of Jerusalem
What is the governor? (Nehemiah 5:14)
The reconstruction of Jerusalem's walls took this long
What is 52 days? (Nehemiah 6:15)
The specific law he sought to restore in Jerusalem
What is the law of Moses? (Nehemiah 1:8)
He was his father
Who is Hacali'ah? (Nehemiah 1:1)
The response the workers took in regards to threats
What is they armed themselves? (Nehemiah 4:16-18)
His job title before the reconstruction of Jerusalem
What is the cupbearer? (Nehemiah 1:11)
His enemies' sent him the same message this many times
What is 5 times? (Nehemiah 6:5)
This inauguration brought rejoicing with songs
What is the inauguration of the walls of Jerusalem? (Nehemiah 12:27)
This man was both opposer and an Am'monite
Who is Tobiah? (Nehemiah 2:10)
The construction and dwelling of these by the people hasn't happened since the days of Joshua
What are booths? (Nehemiah 8:14-17)
His name means this
What is Jah comforts? (Nehemiah 1:1 footnote)
Between what years of King Artaxerxes reign was Nehemiah governor
What is the 20th to the 32nd year? (Nehemiah 5:14)
Along with confessions of their sins the Levites added this during their prayer
What is praise to Jehovah? (Nehemiah 9:1-38)
He set out to re establish the law this man wrote
Who is moses? (Nehemiah 1:8)
The material requested from A'saph in order to rebuild Jerusalem
What is timber? (Nehemiah 2:8)
He wrote this book of the bible
The number of gold drachmas the governor contributed to the treasury
What is 1000? (Nehemiah 7:70)
This was the uppermost in Nehemiah's mind
What is the restoration of Jehovah's worship (or pure worship)
He was both priest and scribe
Who is Ez'ra? (Nehemiah 8:9)
The names of at least three gates share this in common
What is, "named after animals"? (Nehemiah 3:1,3,28)
Sheep, Fish, Horse Gate
The final recorded request made to Jehovah by Nehemiah
What is being remembered favorably? (Nehemiah 13:31)
This was the total number of the entire congregation
What is 42,360? (Nehemiah 7:66)
The condemned union by Nehemiah that caused Solomon's downfall
What is intermarriage? (Nehemiah 13:26)
The priest in charge of the storerooms of the house of God
Who is Eli'ashib (Nehemiah 13:4)