The book of Nehemiah was the words of Nehemiah who was the son of ________ (Neh 1:1)?
A. Kislev
B. Nisan
C. Jozdak
D. Hacaliah

D. Hacaliah


Why were the exiles in great trouble and disgrace (Neh 1:3)?
A. The walls of Jerusalem were broken down
B. The temple had been burned to the ground
C. The people were worshipping the gods of the land
D. Moab ruled over Judah

A. The walls of Jerusalem were broken down


With whom does God keep his covenant of love (Neh 1:5)?
A. The children of Abraham
B. Those who do not go after other gods
C. Those who love him and keep his commands
D. Those who believe in him

C. Those who love him and keep his commands


To whom does Nehemiah identify as the one to whom God gave his commands (Neh 1:7)?
A. Your servants the prophets
B. To David and his descendants
C. To Samuel
D. Your servant Moses

D. Your servant Moses


What had God done for his people by his mighty strength and mighty hand (Neh 1:10)?
A. Saved them from the hand of Pharaoh
B. Restored Jerusalem
C. Redeemed them
D. Regathered them from among the nations

C. Redeemed them


Where was Nehemiah when he was informed about the remnant of the exiles and Jerusalem (Neh 1:1)
A. On the wall of Babylon
B. In the citadel of Susa
C. In the palace of Nineveh
D. At the spring outside Mari

B. In the citadel of Susa


What did Hanani tell Nehemiah was destroyed in Jerusalem besides the walls (Neh 1:3)?
A. The temple had been destroyed
B. The trees where cut down
C. The gates were burned
D. The palace was demolished

C. The gates were burned


In his initial prayer Nehemiah identifies the people of Israel as _________ (Neh 1:6)
A. The children of Abraham
B. The people of God
C. People of the way
D. God's servants

D. God's servants


In the instruction God gave to Moses what did it say would happen if Israel was unfaithful (Neh 1:8)?
A. They would be scattered among the nations
B. They would suffer the plagues of Egypt
C. Their walls would be broken down and their cities burned
D. Their children would be killed

A. They would be scattered among the nations


To what did Nehemiah request God be attentive (Neh 1:10)?
A. The prayer of his servants who reverence his name
B. The confession of sin of his people who were in exile
C. The tears of those who were seeking the Lord
D. The plight of Jerusalem whose walls had been broken down

A. The prayer of his servants who reverence his name


What month was it when Nehemiah was informed about the remnant of the exiles and Jerusalem (Neh 1:1)?
A. Kislev
B. Nisan
C. Shevat
D. Elul

A. Kislev


When Nehemiah heard that the walls of Jerusalem had been broken down his response was all of the following EXCEPT (Neh 1:4)?
A. He wept
B. He fasted
C. He prayed
D. He tore his robe

D. He tore his robe


What did Nehemiah pray would be open to hear his prayer (Neh 1:6)?
A. God's eyes
B. God's ears
C. The heavens
D. The doors of heaven

A. God's eyes


One what condition would God regarter his exiled people (Neh 1:9)?
A. If they confessed their sins
B. If they rebuilt the temple and walls of Jerusalem
C. If they returned to God and obeyed his commands
D. If they put away their foreign gods and followed God alone

C. If they returned to God and obeyed his commands


In Nehemiah's initial prayer what did he say those servants of the Lord who prayed delighted in (Neh 1:11)?
A. The Law of the Lord
B. To do God's will
C. To help the fatherless and widows
D. Reverencing God's name

D. Reverencing God's name


Who initially brought Nehemiah word about Jerusalem (Neh 1:2)?
A. Shelemiah, the son of Jozadak the priest
B. Mattaniah, one of his cousins
C. Hanani, one of his brothers
D. Shecaniah son of Jehiel

C. Hanani, one of his brothers


In his initial prayer Nehemiah addressed God in all of the following ways EXCEPT (Neh 1:5)?
A. God of our fathers
B. God of heaven
C. The great and awesome God

A. God of our fathers


Besides his own sins and the Israelites whose sins did Nehemiah confess (Neh 1:6)?
A. The sins of the remnant of the exiles
B. The sins of his father's house
C. The sins of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
D. The sins of those dwelling in Susa

B. The sins of his father's house


What would God do if those exiled among the nations returned to God and obeyed his commands (Neh 1:9)?
A. He would forgive their sin
B. He would rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and fortify its gates
C. He would never again drive them from the land of their fathers
D. He would gather them to the place he chose as a dwelling for his Name

D. He would gather them to the place he chose as a dwelling for his Name


Besides Jerusalem what did Hanani inform Nehemiah about (Neh 1:2)?
A. The temple
B. The Gihon spring had been stopped up
C. The exiles had been attacked by their enemies
D. The remnant who survived the exile

D. The remnant who survived the exile


In Nehemiah's initial prayer he says, what does God keep with those who obey his commands (Neh 1:5)?
A. Justice and mercy
B. His covenant of love
C. His word
D. His promises to Abraham

B. His covenant of love


In Nehemiah's initial prayer what did he confess (Neh 1:6)?
A. The rebellion of the Israelites at Susa
B. Sins of the kings of Israel and Judah
C. His sins and the sins of his father's house
D. He did not know what to do

C. His sins and the sins of his father's house


Where would God regather his people if they returned to him and obeyed his commands (Neh 1:9)?
A. To the temple where he dwells
B. To the place he chose as a dwelling for his Name
C. To the land he promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
D. To the land flowing with milk and honey

B. To the place he chose as a dwelling for his Name
