Fact or Fiction
Journalism and Media
Women's Representation
Women's Representation 2

Nellie Bly was known for her pioneering journalism



Nellie Bly began writing for the Pittsburgh Dispatch this year

Nellie Bly began writing for the Pittsburgh Dispatch in 1885


What was the significance of Nellie Bly's book "Around the World in 72 Days" in terms of its impact on dominant discourse

The significance of Nellie Bly's book "Around the World in 72 Days" was that it challenged dominant ideas about women's ability to travel independently and shattered stereotypes about the capabilities of women


Nellie Bly went undercover at a sweatshop to ______________

Nellie Bly went undercover at a sweatshop to expose the poor working conditions faced by women


What was the dominant discourse on women in the late 19th century?

The dominant discourse on women in the late 19th century was that women were not capable of the same level of professional achievement as men and were limited to traditional roles such as homemaking and childcare


Nellie Bly went undercover in an Asylum in Saskatoon



Nellie Bly was born in ______

Nellie Bly was born in 1864


Nellie Bly is often credited with being the first woman to do what in journalism

Nellie Bly is often credited with being the first woman to report from the field as an undercover journalist


Nellie Bly challenges this with her feminist approach to bringing change

Nellie Bly challenges dominant discourse with her feminist approach to bringing change


What was the impact of Nellie Bly's undercover reporting on the Women's Lunatic Asylum on the representation of women in dominant discourse

The impact of Nellie Bly's undercover reporting on the Women's Lunatic Asylum was significant in that it shed light on the issue of abuse and mistreatment of patients in mental health institutions and helped to challenge dominant ideas about the portrayal of women as mentally unstable


Dominant discourse is the citation of histories that have been least repeated



What year did Nellie Bly complete her journey around the world in 72 days

Nellie Bly completed her journey around the world in 72 days in 1889


Nellie Bly was a pioneer in investigative journalism and was known for her exposé on what industry

Nellie Bly was known for her exposé on the meatpacking industry, where she exposed the unsanitary and inhumane practices prevalent in the industry at the time


How has Nellie Bly's legacy influenced dominant discourse on women and journalism in contemporary times

Nellie Bly's legacy has influenced dominant discourse on women and journalism in contemporary times by inspiring future generations of women to pursue careers in journalism and activism and to challenge societal norms and expectations. Her pioneering efforts and advocacy for women's rights and equality continue to be recognized and celebrated today


Nellie Bly's attempt to travel around the world in 80 days aimed to challenge what dominant idea about women

Nellie Bly's attempt to travel around the world in 80 days aimed to challenge the dominant idea that women were not adventurous or capable of independent travel


Nellie Bly challenges dominant discourse by her heroic deeds as a feminist activist 



In what year did Nellie Bly write her book "Around the World in 72 Days"

Nellie Bly wrote her book "Around the World in 72 Days" in 1890


Who was Nellie Bly, and what was her contribution to journalism

Nellie Bly was a pioneering journalist and writer who made significant contributions to investigative journalism in the late 19th century


Nellie Bly’s undercover reporting on the Women’s Lunatic Asylum helped shed light on what issue?

Nellie Bly's undercover reporting on the Women's Lunatic Asylum helped shed light on the issue of abuse and mistreatment of patients in mental health institutions


How did Nellie Bly's work help to change the representation of women in dominant discourse over time

Nellie Bly's work helped to change the representation of women in dominant discourse over time by breaking gender barriers and proving that women were capable of the same level of professional achievement as men. Her pioneering efforts inspired future generations of women to pursue careers in journalism and activism and to challenge societal norms and expectations


Nellie Bly is her real name

Fiction. Nellie Bly's real name is Elizabeth Cochran Seaman


In what year did Nellie Bly begin her groundbreaking reporting on the Women's Lunatic Asylum

In 1887 Nellie Bly begin her groundbreaking reporting on the Women's Lunatic Asylum


Nellie Bly’s work helped to establish what significant change in journalism, which has continued to have a lasting impact on the media industry?

Nellie Bly's work helped to establish the tradition of investigative journalism, which has continued to have a lasting impact on the media industry. Her pioneering efforts inspired future generations of journalists to take an active role in uncovering the truth and exposing societal injustices


How did Nellie Bly challenge the dominant discourse on women in the late 19th century

Nellie Bly challenged the dominant discourse on women in the late 19th century by breaking gender barriers and proving that women were capable of the same level of professional achievement as men. She showed that women could be successful journalists, writers, and entrepreneurs


Nellie Bly's investigative reporting led to what significant change in the mental health industry

Nellie Bly's investigative reporting led to significant reforms in the mental health industry, including improvements in patient care and treatment
