When was Nelson Mandela born?
He was born on July 18th 1918
What university did Nelson Mandela attend?
He attended the University of Fort Hare
What political party did Nelson Mandela join in 1944
He joined the ANC
How many years did Nelson Mandela spend in prison
27 years
In what year was Nelson Mandela elected as president?
In 1994
What was the name of the village where Nelson was born?
Why was Nelson Mandela expelled from the university (kicked out)
He participated in a student protest
What was Apartheid ?
Apartheid was a law that divided races in South Africa
What was the name of the prison
Robben Island
What were some of Nelson Mandela´s main goals as president?
Name just one
reconciliation, justice and building a united South Africa
What cultural group did Nelson belong to?
He belonged to the Xhosa tribe
What did he study?
He studied law
What was Nelson Mandela sentenced to life imprisonment for?
What did Nelson Mandela become a symbol of?
Resistance and hope
What did Nelson Mandela do after stepping down as president?
He was an advocate for human rights.
(He fought for human rights)
What was Nelson Mandela´s father´s role in his community?
He was a local chief and advisor to the king
What did Mandela do after moving to Johannesburg?
He continued studying law
What does the ANC stand for?
African National Congress
When was he released from prison?
He was released in 1990
What prize did Mandela win in 2000?
He didn't win anything in 2000
Why did Nelson Mandela go to live with the Thembu king?
His father died
What was special about the university of Fort Hare ?
It was the only university for black students at the time.
What was the name of the famous trial?
The Treason Trial
In which decade (årti) was he arrested?
In the 60's
Which month did Mandela pass away?
On December 2013 Nelson Mandela passed away (died)