Vast majority of our Neon Clients are which code?
A code
Name 5 of support services we issue.
Buss Passes
Clothing Vouchers
Work Cards
Gas Reimbursement
Vocational Training is unlimited.
True or False
It is a 12 months lifetime limit
Appointments should always be active on the Personal Responsibility Plan.
True or False
Neon calendar week starts on Sundays.
True or False
They start on Monday
This code requires a Report of Illness (ROI) to be on file.
I code
How many months of liability car insurance can we pay?
up to 3 months
Which activity receives a $100 stipend?
Community Work Experience Program (CWEP)
Client must sign and date the Personal Responsibility Plan only at their initial appointment.
True or False
Every time there is a change of activity, the PRP must be updated, signed and dated.
Batch finalization process cut off date is what day of the month?
The 13th
The E code is for a 2 parent household exemption.
True or False
Single Parent Exemption
Are we allowed to issue a voucher for weapons such as guns for security officers?
What activity can we project in the Neon calendar?
When must an initial Personal Responsibility Plan be complete and signed?
Within 60 days of TANF approval
What is the DWSS policy in the amount of homework hours for vocational training activity?
1 hour of study time for 1 hour classroom time
What would the code be for a father of a child who is not born yet?
G Code
What is the highest dollar amount we can issue for a voucher without supervisor approval?
What is the difference between Job skill Training (JT) and Education Directly Related to Employment (EE)?
JT is with HSD
EE is without HSD
a Personal Responsibility Plan expires in 12 months.
True or False
Expires in 24 months
Can we use a 2074 (Employer Verification Form) and 1 week of verified actual hours to project?
A client is an M code for IPV are able to receive supportive services.
True or False
How many estimates do we need for car repairs?
2 Estimates
What are the 2 Non-Core activities?
High School Diploma (GED/HSE)
English as Second Language (ESL)
DWSS will provide support services as needed while I am an _______ and ________ participant in the NEON program.
Active and Eligible
How many days do you have to capture hours of participation in the Oasis calendar once verification has been received?
10 Calendar Days