Rules Lawyer
Uhm Actually
Fantasy Facts
Video Games (That neon plays)

Following rules as written, this popular spell in DND cannot be cast through a closed window, despite being based on line of sight.

What is fireball


In dr.who, the greatest enemy of the timelords are the Dalek, near indestructible robots with incredibly high intelligence, that despite their few numbers pose a great threat to not just earth, but perhaps the entire universe and timeline.

The dalek are not robots


A kid raised by his aunt and uncle, is discovered by an older gentleman, who he later finds out was tasked with bringing him to his aunt and uncle in the first place, because he has special powers, and a greater destiny to fulfill.

Who is Harry potter?
Who is Luke Skywalker?

Double points for both correct answers


This "mob" from a popular game of squares was originally a pig with its torso's dimentions unintentionally warped to be too tall. 

What is the Creeper?


This country is in all ways inferior to its counterpart, to the point that even comparrison to denmark is insulting.

what is sweden?


Contrary to popular belief, this spell when used in combat does not make your position unknown to enemies.

What is invisibility? 


In the wonderful world of teyvat, where genshin impact takes place, we play as the traveler searching for our lost sibling. This journey takes us to meeting many gods of the world, to ask them if they know anything. Through our journey we first meet with Venti, the Archon of anemo, but then in order, Zhongli, the Archon of Geo, Raiden, the Archon of Electro, Nahida, The Archon of Dendro, Furina, the Archon of Hydro, and in the latest installment, Mavuika, the Archon of pyro. 

Furina is not the Hydro Archon


In the universe of RWBY, characters posses powerful abilities called "Semblances", these superpowers are unique to each character, but are fueled by a unique resource or "mana pool" 

What is Aura? 


Universally regarded as the worst perk in call of duty zombies, this perk allows the player to, when downed, spawn in with only a starter weapon to attempt to revive themselves. 

What is who's who?


I am groot.

I am groot. (what, who, or where are optional)


Due to this funny interaction between the dungeon masters guide and the players handbook, spells in Dungeons and dragons cannot revive dead players.

(This question is comprehensive and does not need to be answered in a "who is" or "what is" fashion)

Revival spells must target "Dead creatures" , but a "Corpse" is an object, which cannot be targeted as they are no longer a creature.


Upon leaving your home in pokemon diamond, pearl, platinum and the remakes, after having aquired your pokemon, your mother will prompt an exclamation mark, say "its dangerous to go alone, take this" , and give you a pair of running shoes, unlocking the sprint ability.

"its dangerous to go alone, take this" is from the legend of Zelda


Considered the "Adamantium" or "Vibranium" of the star wars universe, this metal is impervious to blaster fire and lightsaber strikes.

What is Beskar?



At any point when you are picking the question, you may bar one team from answering that question at all.


Calculated to be able to defeat the character Homelander with quite litterally no effort, this superhero can send an apple to the moon in less than 5 seconds with pure brute force. 

Who is Sportacus?


Without extra bonuses, such as the sharpshooter feature, this ranged weapon cannot be used without disadvantage, as it has only a 20 foot range, within 5 feet you are too close to a creature, and within the last 20, you are beyond its normal range.

What is a net? 


In the first terminator movie, the T-800 is depicted as a nigh unstoppable killing machine, however, in the following two sequels, the T-800 is reprogrammed to save john connor from other more advanced terminators.

In terminator 3 it is not a T-800, but a T-850.


In the universe of pirates of the carribean, Davy Jones is cursed to forever be at sea, unable to step foot on land. When the writers needed him to stand on an island, a silly, albeit simplistic method was used to get him ashore. 

What are two buckets of sea water?


Due to problems with liscencing, as they got their own solo game around the same time as the release of this game, this famous horror character is not yet in Dead By Daylight.

Who is Jason?


Pressent in some shape or form in all of Neons TTRPG campaigns, this character will not accept gold as payment for the items he trades

Who is Lin'Jinsé?


This warlock invocation becomes entirely unusable if a torch is too close by.

What is Devils sight?


In the first avengers movie, Nick fury is ordered by the S.H.I.E.L.D: council to launch a nuclear missile at New York. After disobaying the order, refusing to nuke a civilian population, a single pilot is given the order to ignore the commands of the director, and launch the strike on his own.

Nick warns Tony stark about the incoming missile, and stark takes it upon himself to direct the missile into the portal in the sky, from which the aliens are invading. Making the ultimate sacrifice, tony flies towards the portal taking the nuclear missile with him, when in what he believes to be his last moments, his AI companion friday, asks if they should call "miss pots", presumably to say goodbye. Tony agrees, but Pepper does not pick up before the suits power is cut off and the connection is severed, leaving tony to let go of the missile, destroy the mothership, and ultimately fall to his doom, before being rescued, and "ressurected" by the hulk.

At this point, tony's Ai is called Jarvis, not Friday.


In this fantasy franchise, based on an old tale by H.C Andersen, Children are transported to another world through a wardrobe, where they become heroes, guided by this character, who is a Lion.

Who is Aslan?


Upon playing as the dark urge, should Alfira the bard be deceased by the time the dark urge will have their first "dark urge" in the night, this silver dragonborn bard will appear in her stead.

Who is Quil Grootslang


This day is Neons birthday

When is the 28th of December?
