The title of morning service
"Life Is Short, Heaven Is Eternal"
The title of afternoon service
The title of evening service
“Christ Coming On A White Horse”
Mother's Teaching #1
As God always gives love, giving love is more blessed than receiving love.
The year Father was born, the year Father was baptized, and the year Father ascended
1918, 1948, and 1985
The location of the first church established in the Northeast
Ridgewood Church of God (formerly known as New York Church of God)
Name the type of bug mentioned in afternoon service
BONUS (+200 points): Name the type of bug mentioned in morning service
Mosquito was mentioned in afternoon service (compared to us, who tried to harm and kill Heavenly Mother, and how we, like mosquitos, are most beautiful when we die [inside]).
BONUS (+200): Mayflies were mentioned in morning service (comparing the length of human life to God's perspective).
The meaning of the sharp double-edged sword in the Bible (Answer using reference verse)
Mother's Teaching #13
We should endure present sufferings for the Kingdom of Heaven will be ours.
The year the Church of God was established and its location
1964 in Busan, South Korea
The three prophets/books of the Bible God uses to remind us that human life is like grass and flowers ("the grass withers and the flowers fall...")
Prophet Isaiah
Apostle Peter
God's chosen people know this
The plans and secrets of God (Matthew 13:10-11)
The reason the saints were defeated by the beast in Revelation 13, and the reason we will defeat the beast and win the spiritual war in the last days
Although God is always with His people in the Spirit, the saints were defeated after Jesus ascended because God in the flesh was no longer with them; and we will win the spiritual war in this age because Heavenly Mother, the Commander of Heaven’s Armies is here in the flesh with us, guiding us to the victory.
As the sea receives all the dirt and purifies it...
...we should have a broad and beautiful heart to embrace the faults of our brothers and sisters.
1. The Mystery of God and the Spring of the Water of Life
2. Visitors From the Angelic World
3. The Law of Moses and the Law of Christ
4. The Last Plagues and the Seal of God
5. Trinity
6. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and the Gospel
The Order of Worship for Sabbath Day Morning Services
[Singing New Song before the appointed time]
1. Silent Prayer
2. New Song (Standing)
3. Prayer (Standing; Be seated after prayer)
4. New Song
5. Prayer
6. Sermon
7. Offering and New Song of Praise
8. Closing Prayer (and prayer for tithes and offerings)
9. Prayer of Our Wishes and Silent Prayer
The reason the Church of God logo is blue
Blue represents Mother's water of life
Prove the Rider on the White Horse in Revelation 19:11-21 is Second-Coming Christ, not First-Coming
The Rider on the White Horse is fighting the beast who appeara in the last days according to Revelation 13
As Abraham received more blessings...
...when he yielded for his nephew Lot, we, too, will receive more blessings when we yield for our brothers and sisters.
We will eat this in the Kingdom of Heaven
What is mystic food made by God's Word
(Visitors From the Angelic World, p. 16)
It was mentioned that we should ask ourselves this question: "In the remaining time of my life..."
"...what materials can I send to Heaven to have a beautiful house there?"
The meaning of the seven lights on the Church of God Coat of Arms
the seven feasts in three times
Recite the Prayer of Our Wishes in English
Our Father Ahnsahnghong who is in Heaven
The day of Your coming from Heaven is drawing near
But we have not prepared anything.
O Father, please take pity on us,
and through Father's Holy Spirit,
have us born again.
That on the day of Your coming from Heaven
we may meet you without any lack.
In the name of Christ Ahnsahnghong we pray. Amen.
Arrogance arises from...
...a heart full of complaint. When we always serve God with gratitude, arrogance and complaint disappear, and humility will dwell in our hearts.
The exact date (month, day, and year) that Jesus entered the Most Holy Place in the heavenly sanctuary a second time for the gospel work of the last days
What is October 22, 1844 [the Day of Atonement]