What is Master Chiefs real name?
John 117 Master
In episode 9 of Soul Eater what is the name of the sword that Black Star and Death the Kid encountered
What was the name of the comet that the fire nation depended on?
Sozinz comet
from generation 1 to generation 8 How many pokemon are there in total?
In Skyrim how many cheese wheels where put into Breezehome?
2,000 plus
In God of War 1 what was the only god Kratos killed
How many Titans are in Attack on Titan?
What is the strongest titan in Attack on Titan?
The Founding Titan
Who was ozais brother?
What are the starter pokemon from pokemon yellow?
English Spanish French
Who taught Ellie to snipe in The Last of Us 2
Who is the main character of Jujutsu Kaisen?
Yuji Itadori
Who taught Aang energybending?
The lion turtle
Rock Badge
As of September 2022 what is the national debt of the US?
718 billion dollars
In skyrim what is the name of the dragon who lived at the top of the grey beards mountain?
What world record did one piece set in 2014 and beat in 2022?
What is the number of the world record?
the most copies published for the same comic book series by a single author
500 million copies
What were the colors of Fire Lord Roku and The Avatar Sozin dragons
Red and Blue
When Ash met Misty in Gen 1 what was the first thing he did to her?
Stole her bike to save pikachu
In episode "Sponge Bob Square Pants vs. The Big One" what was the name of the legendary surfer on the island?
Jack Kahuna Laguna
Who was the first historic Assassin introduced in the original Assassin's creed game?
In YU-GI-OH who are the three Egyptian Gods?
Slyther the Sky Dragon
Obilesk The Tormentor
The Winged Dragon Of Rah
What was the fake name Aang used in Omashu?
Bonzu Pippinpaddleopsicopolis
How many regions are there in Pokemon?
Name all the regions?
Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, Galar
Approximately how much money would it cost to supply Africa with water?
4.5 Trillion