Harry Potter
Marvel Universe
Dc Universe
TV shows
Social Media
Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, And Hermione Granger accused this person for stealing the Philosophers Stone...
Who is Severus Snape?
Iron Man, Super hero, Billionaire, and more. But wait, who IS Iron Man?
Who is Tony Stark?
Bruce Wayne was inspired to become "Batman" When his parents were murdered on June 26th 1996 by who?
Who is Joe Chill?
As of January 11th 2017, what Season was Grey's Anatomy on?
What is Season 13?
Hilarious, short, and comedic videos. People refer to them as "Vines" How long are they?
What is 6 Seconds?
In Harry Potters "Chamber Of Secrets", where do they go to enter the "Chamber"?
What is The Girls Bathroom?
Some people that star in this team of superheros are, Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, and Black Widow. What team are we referring too?
What is The Avengers?
This person is on the Krypotonian's Super-villain list. But it actually turned out that this Super-Villain was elected for president! Who was he?
Who is Lex Luthor?
The hilarious sit com most people refer to as "Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air" was realeased what year?
What is 1990?
Although Facebook isn't used as much, occasionally if its a friends birthday or anniversary we will post on their?
What is a Wall?
To open the Marauders Map, what Four names in which order do you have to say them?
What is Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs
Although he may be known as the web slinging superhero, what is Spider-man's real name?
Who is Peter Parker?
Although a lot of us know about "Wonder Woman", we never really think about her parents. Speaking about her mother particularly, what is her name?
Who is Hippolyta?
The famed kids (And adult!) animated TV show started on August 11th 1991 and ended on what date?
What is August 1st 2004?
Though many people dog out this Youtuber he doesn't care because as of January 11th 2017 he had 52,278,060 subscribers putting him at the number one youtuber. Who is he?
Who is PewDiePie?
This is the year that Lily and James Potter Tragically were murdered.
What is 1981?
Fantastic Four Marvel's most iconic group, is always kicking butt, but what four people are behind the masks?
Who is Reed Richards, Susan Storm Richards, Benjamin Grimm, and Johnathan Storm?
Although some people know her as "Hawk Girl" what is her real name?
Who is Chay-Ara?
This show was Produced, Sung, and Acted, by executive producers Dan Povenmire and Jeff Marsh for 8 years! What show are we referring to?
What is Phineas And Ferb?
We all know the struggle of typing a ridiculously clever tweet and then exceeding the character limit. What is the Character Limit?
What is 140?
This ear was lost in the "Battle Of Hogwarts". But, by which Weasley?
Who is George Weasley?
One of Marvel's lead organization "S.H.I.E.L.D.", stand for what?
What is Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division?
At Arkham Asylum where "The Joker" was kept who was he refereed to?
Who is John Doe?
Despite the cute, well known, animated mouse named "Mickey Mouse" has his own show on "Disney Junior". He used to have a show called the "Mickey Mouse Club". With three popular artists to this day. Name One.
Who is Christina Aguilera/Justin Timberlake/Brittany Spears/
This is to this day the most viewed youtube video ever! this video has over 2 BILLION views! Pretty Crazy right?
What is Gagnam Style?