Known as the "Control Center" of the nervous system
What is the Brain?
What is the CNS comprised of?
Brain and Spinal Cord
What is the PNS comprised of?
All of the nerves besides the brain and Spinal cord
What are the 6 sections of the brain?
Frontal Lobe, Temporal Lobe, Brain stem, Parietal lobe, Occipital lobe, and the Cerebellum.
What do axons do?
Send impulses away from cell body
Relays impulses between the PNS and the Brain
What is the spinal cord?
What three layers of connective tissue protect the brain and spinal cord?
Dura matter, Arachnoid matter, and Pia Matter
Which Neuroglia are found in the PNS?
Satelite and Schwann Cells
What are the 3 layers of the brain?
Cerebral Cortex, Cerebral Medulla, and Basal Nuclei.
What are the different types of Neurons?
Protects the Brain, and the spinal cord
What are the Meninges?
What is the function of Cerbrospinal Fluid?
protection, maintaining the blood-brain barrier, and preventing infection.
What is the function of the Sensory (Afferent) Division of the PNS?
To send impulses to CNS
What is the function of the Medulla Oblongata?
Transmitting impulses and controlling autonomic processes
To bring impulses to cell body
True or False
The Brain and Spinal Cord are surrounded by Cerbrospinal Fluid
Where is CSF produced?
In the ventricles.
What is the Function of the Motor (Efferent) Division?
Which section of the brain controls Sensations, Visual-Spatial processing, and body position?
Parietal lobe
What are the nodes of Ranvier?
Gaps between myelin
Grey matter, white matter
Which Neuroglial Cells are found in CNS?
Astrocytes, Microglia, Ependymal, and Oligodendrites.
What sections is the PNS Divided into?
Somatic, and Autonomic
Which section controls visual processing?
What is resting potential?
When the inside of the neuron is negatively charged and the environment is positively charged