it's function is to organize and distribute the information throughout the body.
What is a brain?
it connects to nervous system to the organs and limbs.
What is Peripheral Nervous System?
running score
what is your group running score?
two subdivisions of Autonomic NS
What is the two subdivisions of autonomic NS?
main processing center of the entire nervous system
What is CNS or Central Nervous System?
Two main division of PNS
What is the two main division of PNS?
two main parts of somatic NS?
What are the two main parts of somatic NS?
associated with involuntary control of the body movements
what is autonomic Nervous System
Two Main components of CNS
what are the two main components of CNS?
nerves fibers that carry information into and out of the brain stem.
What are cranial nerve?
Running SCORE
Your Group's Running Score?
Three main parts of the brain
what are the three main parts of the brain?
What is our topic for today?
associated with the voluntary control of the body movements
What is a Somatic NS?
maintains body functions and restores the body to normal or relaxed mode.
What is parasympathetic?
channel for signals between the brain and rest of the body and controls musculoskeletal reflexes without input from the brain.
What is spinal cord?