True or False the Nervous system helps you speak
How many nerve cells does the body have?
How many components does the nervous System have
A brain tumor is something that can form in your brain which can change the pressure in the brain
What does the nervous system control
everything you do
True or false the brain is not working while you sleep
What are the two main components of the nervous system
Central nervous System and peripheral nervous System or (CNS) and (PNS)
What is Alzheimer's disease?
Alzheimer's disease is a disease that slowly makes you lose your memory.
True or false the nervous system contains the liver
True or false neurons can look different from each other
What are Neurons?
Neurons are a type of nerve cell that is specialized to send electrical messages to the brain.
You found the only free space on the board
plus 300
Name 5 things the nervous System controls.
smell, hear, taste, see, pain, speak, swallow, breath, learn, and how the body acts in a emoji.
How much percent of energy does the brain use
about 20%
The CNS takes information from the PNS
True or false Alzheimer's disease makes you loose your memory quickly
False it takes a lot of time