what are the 2 divisions of the Peripheral Nervous System?
Autonomic and Somatic
2 types of receptors detect heat or cold; located in the skin and mouth
the CNS consists of what parts of the body?
Brain and Spinal Cord
what are the 4 major parts of the brain? be specific.
Cerebellum, Cerebrum, Diencephalon: Thalamus, Hypothalamus, and Pituitary Gland, Brain Stem: Midbrain, Pons, Medulla Oblongata
nerve containing both sensory and motor fibers, located in the tongue and pharynx; sense of taste and swallowing
9, ix, Glossopharyngeal nerve
what does the Peripheral Nervous System consist of?
all the nerves that connect the CNS to the rest of the body, 12 cranial nerves, and 31 spinal nerves
responds to extreme stimuli such as: pressure, sound, heat, cold, tissue damage; detects pain; located in nearly every tissue of the body
what is the CNS responsible for?
thoughts and emotions, receiving and interpreting information, disseminating motor responses, maintain safety and homeostasis
what is the function of the Thalamus?
to relay sensory information to the brain
both sensory and motor functions; located in the superior oblique muscles of the eyes; rotates eyeball downward and outward
4, iv, Trochlear
division of nerves connecting the CNS to visceral organs such as: the heart, blood vessels, glands, and intestines
located in the mouth and nose; sensitive to certain chemical stimuli; in arteries, sensitive to CO2 and pH changes in the blood; sense of taste and smell
in which layer of the CNS meninges does CSF reside?
the Arachnoid space
what is the function of the Cerebrum?
controls speech, sensation, communication, memory, reasoning, will, and emotions
both sensory and motor fibers; located within the recti muscles of the eye; rotates the eyeball outward
6, vi, Abducens Nerve
division of nerves connecting the CNS, voluntary muscles, and skin
sensitive to light and detect color; gives the ability to see color and form; located within the eye's retina, rods, and cones
what is the function of Cerebrospinal fluid?
carries some nutrients to the nerve tissue and carries waste away, protects the CNS by acting as a shock absorber
contains the main nerve pathways connecting the Cerebrum and lower nervous system. controls certain visual and auditory reflexes coordinating head and eye movements
Midbrain within the Brain Stem
most of the face is innervated by which cranial nerve?
the 5th, v, Trigeminal/Trifacial nerve
does the Peripheral Nervous System contain sensory or motor nerves, or both?
responds to tissue distortion such as: touch, pressure, vibration, stretch; ex: Ruffini end organs, Pacini corpuscles, Merkel discs in the skin; located within the muscles, fascia, and joints; muscle spindle cells and golgi tendon cells
where is the brain and spinal cord located?
the cranium and the vertebral canal
regulates heart movements, controls vasoconstriction of the arteries, and controls respiration rate and depth
Medulla Oblongata within the Brain Stem
containing both sensory and motor fibers; innervating the pharynx, larynx, heart, lungs, and digestive organs; controls sensations and muscular movements for talking, breathing, and digestion
10, x, Vagus/Pneumogastric Nerve