Paralysis on one half of the body
What is hemiplegia
What are the pia mater, arachnoid and dura mater
Placing the client in a safe place and removing sharp objects is the care for this condition
What are seizures (epilepsy)
Eventually, all muscle control is lost. Which nervous system condition is this?
What is ALS
A temporary interruption of blood flow to the brain is caused by this
What is a TIA
The CNS is made up of these
What are the brain and spinal cord
Apraxia of Speech
Difficulty in planning and coordinating the movements needed for speech, despite normal muscle function being intact.
A client has had a right CVA, when assisting with dressing what side would you dress first?
What is the left side
A blood clot in the brain can cause this
What is a CVA/stroke
A person with this condition suffers from recurrent seizures
What is epilepsy
These bones protect the spinal cord
What are the vertebrae (spinal column)
A language disorder caused by brain damage, affecting speech, comprehension, reading, and writing.
Clients with right hemiplegia should be encouraged to put food on this side of the mouth.
What is the left
Impaired speech resulting from injury to speech area in cerebral cortex
What is dysphasia
A shuffling gait, tremors and muscular rigidity are symptoms associated with this disease
What is Parkinson's Disease
This coating on nerves allows messages to transmit faster
What is myelin
Difficulty speaking clearly because of weakness or paralysis in the muscles used for speech
RUF refers to this
What is removing the unaffected side first (undressing)
In what condition does demyelination occur?
The medical term for paralysis in half of the limbs, both legs bilaterally
This part of the brain is responsible for thinking, problem-solving, learning, remembering and moving the arms and legs
What is the cerebrum.
Cerebral Vascular Accident: sudden loss of brain function due to an interruption of blood flow or rupture of blood vessel in the brain
Name 3 symptoms of Parkinson's disease and the care goal/interventions for each.
1. Drooling
- protect skin & maintain dignity- keep clean, apply creams, provide cloth/Kleenex PRN
2. Slowness in eating
- provide adequate nutrition- give enough time to eat, assist with finishing if person tires, offer smaller meals more frequently, Ensure PRN
3. Difficulty with speech
-establish communication- be patient, do not ignore, take time to listen, speak to the person in adult manner
4. High risk for contractures
-prevent contractures- encourage exercise such as walking, movement of arms, range of motion exercise
5. Constipation
- normal bowel function- encourage fluids, encourage fiber in diet, encourage mobility
6. High risk of falls
- prevent falls- Mobility assessment, Mobility aids, Hip protectors, PT/OT walking program, Bed at knee height
Extreme fatigue and difficulty with balance are early symptoms of this condition
What is MS