What are the two hemispheres?
Right and Left
What do all the nerves connect to to go to the brain?
spinal cord
What is the biggest lobe?
Frontal lobe
What does the cerebellum do?
balance, coordination, and movement
What does your CNS (central nervous system) contain in general?
Your brain and spinal cord.
How much does your brain weigh?
3 lbs
What is the more creative side of the brain and what side of the body does it control?
Right and it controls the left
How far down does the spinal cord go down the spine?
around 4/5 of the way
What part of the nerve receives messages?
What branches to the spinal cord?
Reflex actions make you jerk back or jump. Why do you jerk back or jump?
The nerves are taking action before the message can even be relayed to the brain.
What part of the nerve branches out to connect and transmits messages?
What part of the brain controls VOLUNTARY movements?
What is the connector between the two halves of the brain?
Corpus Callosum
Where is your sight located in the brain?
The back of the head
How are the lobes classified?
by the amount of folds and by what each section controls (senses and motor functions)