What kind of therapy can be used for cluster heaches
02 therapy
the cause of trigeminal neuralgia is.....
Compression on cranial nerve 5
Name 3 possible triggers of migraines
-loud noises
-certain foods
-lack of sleep
-bright lights
-strong odors
A seizure when someone stares off into space, and is non-motor
The cause of cluster headaches is because of vaso________ near the eye
Name 2 possible s/s of bell palsy
-facial drooping
-difficulty eating/drinking
-eye won't close on one side
-cant raise eyebrow on one side
-cant smile on one side
another term for headache?
This is what a seizure is classified as when it lasts more than 5 minutes
status epilipicus
Cluster headaches are more common in which gender?
Anti-_______ medication may be used for treatment
Anti-seizure medication
people diagnosed with bell palsy may wear this at night?
True or false
Migraines occur on both sides of the head
False- true migraines are unilateral
This type of seizure last 1-2 minutes, stiff-jerky movements are seen, and LOC.
Cluster headaches are...... ____lateral
TRUE/FALSE Trigeminal neurolgia is constant pain
FALSE- pain is intermittent- comes and goes
which cranial nerve is affected?
The cause of seizures?
Abnormal electrical activity in brain causes changes in brain function
List 2 common s/s of cluster headaches
-pupil constriction
-tear secretion
-vision changes
-intense pain
-nasal congestion
-brushing teeth
-anything touching the face
one medication that may be used is acyclovir. Acyclovir is a type of anti-_______.
Botox may be a form of treatment for migraines. Botox blocks what?
Muscle contractions
This type of seizure may cause someone to pick at their clothes or smack their lips before.
Focal impaired