The nervous system is comprised of 2 main subsystems: the peripheral nervous system and this.
Central Nervous System
There are (approximately) this many neurons in the brain
100 billion! (77-130 billion acceptable)
The brain, spinal cord, neurons, and these make up the nervous system.
sense organs
These two parts protect the two main organs of the nervous system.
skull and vertebrae
The peripheral nervous system receives stimuli from these.
sensory receptors
The nervous system interacts with THESE other organ systems.
All of them
Your eyes, nose, ears, skin, and tongue are considered to be these type of organs.
sense organs
The nervous system controls the flow of this through the circulatory system.
blood (others acceptable for ½ credit)
The average adult brain weighs (approximately) this much.
1.5 kg or 3.39 lbs (1-2 kg or 2-4 lbs acceptable)
Another term used for the brain is this. (Rhymes with “Hey Batter!”)
gray matter
Neurons transmit signals using these two things.
electricity and chemicals
Your brain controls this, which allows you to pick up a pencil. (Rhymes with “floater junction”)
motor function
Many major nerve bundles are protected by bones and these.
muscles (joints also acceptable)
Every muscle depends on signals from this MAIN nervous system organ.
the brain (spinal cord = 1/2 credit)
These connect the sensory and motor neurons.
This organ is a long, thin bundle of neurons.
spinal cord
Motor neurons send information from the central nervous system to muscles and these organs that are a major part of the endocrine system.
Reflexes are controlled by this system.
nervous system
This part of your nervous system controls the (involuntary) function of internal organs.
autonomic nervous system
(According to a caption in our book…) This many nerve impulses per second can travel along neurons to the brain.
5 trillion! (4-6 trillion acceptable)