What are the two rats names?
A- Trixie and Illianna
What type of animal are Trixie and Illiana?
What did Celeste find in the attic?
A dollhouse
What is the name of the plantation the story takes place on?
5- What does Celeste love to make?
A- Baskets
What is Audubon’s assistant’s name?
A- Joseph
What type of bird is Cornelius?
A Thrush
What stopped the cat from catching Celeste?
The dog
Who was in Celeste's dollhouse when she returned?
Where is Celeste’s new home?
A- In Eliza’s old dollhouse in the attic
What happened to Trixie when she had a ride with the osprey?
A- Trixie fell into the water and was gone
What type of bird is Lafayette?
an Osprey
When Celeste went to find food she saw there were guests at the table... who were they?
Mr. Audobun and his student (Joseph)
Where did Joseph find Celeste? and where did he put her first?
He found her inside his boot under the bed, he put her in a little cage.
7- How long has Joseph been away from home?
A- Two years
9- What happens to Illianna?
A- She gets eaten by a cat
What type of bird is Violet?
A Wren
Where did Celeste find a new house after losing her mouse hole?
In Joseph's boot
Why were the two men (guests) at the home?
Mr. Audobun and his student (Joseph) were there to teach the young girl in the house art and dance.
How does Joseph get hurt?
A- He got hit in the head with an arrow (bullet)
What is the dog’s name?
A- Dash
Name at least 6 characters
A- Joseph, Cornelius, Lafayette, and Violet, etc
How did Celeste meet Cornelius?
Two boys found Cornelius in the barn and gave it to Joseph
Why was Celeste looking for a Dogwood tree? and what happened when she did?
It was food for her friend - when she found the tree a big storm happened and she was swept away by it
Who is Celeste's new friend sent to her by Lafayette? (end of story)
Violet (a wren)