Layered Approach to securing
computer systems
Defense in Depth
A security model in which access rights and permissions are determined by the owner of the resource
DAC(Discretionary Access Control)
Duplicate the Problem is what
part of the troubleshooting steps
Identify the Problem
average amount of time that
passes before a piece of
hardware fails
MTBF(Mean Time Between Failure)
A tool used to query a network interface and collect data by intercepting and logging network traffic
Packet Sniffer
Process of identifying an
limits access to resources based on the sensitivity of information and the users clearance level
MAC(Mandatory Access Control)
Question the obvious is in what
step of the troubleshooting
Establish a theory
This metric specifies the maximum acceptable amount of data loss measured in time
RPO(Recovery Point Objective)
A network protocol developed by Cisco for collecting and monitoring network traffic data
Process of granting or denying a
user access to network resources
Type of access control that denies all access unless granted
Implicit Deny
A network of devices and software that manage and automate industrial processes, such as manufacturing.
ICS(Industrial Control System)
time in the future when you
expect to restore availability
after some type of failure
RTO(Recovery Time Objective)
a program that processes
capture files from packet sniffers
and analyzes them based on our
monitoring needs
Protocol Analyzer(WireShark)
Protocol developed by Cisco to support AAA in a network with many switches and routers
The framework associated with
requiring all hardware, software
and users to validate their trust
inside a network.
Zero Trust
Focuses on real-time data acquisitions and control. Monitors and controls equipment and conditions
SCADA(Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)
how an organization will respond to a disruptive event and resume operations
DRP(Disaster Recovery Plan)
Tool used to perform port
scanning, identify versions of
network services in operation
and identify operating systems
NMAP, Zenmap
network authentication protocol that allow nodes communicating over a non-secure network to prove their identity to one another on a basis of tickets?
Framework that manages access
to the network based on the role in the company
RBAC(Role Based Access Control)
A secure buffer zone between an organizations internal and external network
Perimeter Network, Screened Subnet
ensures critical business
functions to continue while
operations are disrupted
BCP(Business Continuity Plan)
A strategy and set of tools designed to prevent sensitive information from being lost, stolen, or accessed by unauthorized users
DLP(Data Loss Prevention)