A set of rules for the digital world
What is netiquette?
What is the red basket?
Something a teacher posts on Google Classroom that they expect you to complete and submit.
What is an assignment?
Sending rude emails, or starting arguments between two or more users is called....
What is flaming?
The amount of time you spend each week on I-ready for each class.
What is 45 minutes?
Facebook, snapchat, instagram are all what?
what are some types of social media?
This happens when two or three people exchange angry posts between one another.
What is a "Flame War."
This is what you should always do so someone can't access your account and pretend to be you at school.
What is log out of my account?
Comment nonsense underneath a teacher or friend's post, be ugly to others, talk about things that aren't related to the assignment.
What are things you shouldn't do in Google Classroom?
They can stay anonymous...Why might people do this online instead of in person?
Why might people act meaner online than in person?
What is how you should clean up when your lab time is over?
Sentences typed by using ALL CAPS which indicates you are screaming is called
What is Flaming
When someone uses the @ symbol and types someone else's name behind it.
What is tagging?
Brb, ttyl, ok, lol are all examples of what?
What are abbreviations?
People can't tell when you're joking online, you should always reread what you write.
What is the biggest difference between online and face-to-face communication?
This is the main idea of your email message, you should always add this to a message so the recipient can tell what the email is about
What is subject?
This button makes sure your teacher actually gets your work.
What is the submit button?