Science and Social Studies
Technology and Engineering

This semester course introduces the beginning drawing student to classical training in traditional and contemporary art media.

What is Drawing 1?


Whether for personal use or a career in clothing and fashion, this course provides an opportunity to develop skills for clothing construction. Techniques used to construct four projects including: a skirt/pants, dress/top, shirt, and a knit garment are covered. Students are encouraged to select patterns and materials according to their needs and abilities.

What is Apparel Construction?


Topics covered include types of business ownership, marketing, accounting, human resources, management, finance, ethics, and economics. These concepts are presented through classroom discussion and project-based learning. Students are encouraged to take this course prior to further study in business such as Management, Accounting, Marketing, and Advertising.

What is Business Orientation?


This course is designed to deal with the various aspects of warfare throughout human history. Topics include the nature of war, concepts of tactics and strategy, technology and methods of warfare, great military leaders, crucial battles and their effect on history, and present and future trends in warfare.

What is Military History?


In this course, students use 3D solid modeling design software to design solutions to proposed problems. Students will learn to document their work and communicate solutions to peers and members of the professional community. The major focus of the IED course is to expose students to the design process, research and analysis, teamwork, communication methods, global and human impacts, engineering standards and technical documentation.

What is Introduction to Engineering Design?


This semester course explores the world of animation including 2D and 3D animation, Claymation, stop motion, traditional hand drawn, flash, and experimental animation.

What is Animation?


The course is a combination of lab and classroom experiences that introduces students to food preparation and nutrition.  Food science principles and culinary techniques are applied as students prepare a variety of recipes.  Students will begin to develop culinary and pastry skills including recipe reading, knife skills, culinary math, and proper safety and sanitation.

What is Culinary Arts 1?


Students will learn technology skills related to visual layout and design for business application and personal use. This project-based course will incorporate digital photography, image manipulation, design principles, and typography. Current design software programs including Adobe Photoshop and InDesign will be explored in depth. Students interested in Advertising, Marketing, and Web Design should take this course.

What is Visual Media?


Students in this course are acquainted with not only classical patterns of inheritance but also present day findings in molecular genetics. Laboratory experiments provide active participation in demonstrating and applying the theories of genetics and biotechnology. Present day bioethics issues in biotechnology are addressed.

What is Genetics?


This is an introductory course in the area of gasoline engine operation and fluid power mechanics. The course of study will concentrate on small two- and four-cycle engine operations. Students will also disassemble, inspect, and reassemble small gasoline engines and learn about the different types of systems. Students will be introduced to the operations of automotive engines, automotive maintenance, and car design.

What is Power Mechanics?


This course enhances creative and imaginative expression by developing the skills, style, and commitment essential for effective writing. Students will create within a variety of genres: journals, short stories, poetry, essays, and drama.

What is Creative Writing?


This course is designed to provide the student with an introduction to the intellectual, physical, emotional, and social development of a child from prenatal through preschool. It is beneficial both to the future parent and those interested in child-related careers.

What is Child Development?


The course explores cyber trends, threats—along with the broader topic of cybersecurity in a way that will matter to individuals and society. For instance, you’ll learn how to protect your personal privacy online while gaining additional insight into the challenges companies, and governmental and educational institutions face today.

What is Cybersecurity?


This course is interdisciplinary, embracing a wide variety of topics that include Ecology, Geology, History, Sociology, Economics and Chemistry.  Field experiences may include a trip to northern Wisconsin and/or one-day trips to local prairies, streams and forests.

What is AP Environmental Science?


This course is a survey of Mass Media designed to provide students an introduction to the various forms of digital media. Students will be introduced to various forms of storytelling through radio/podcasting, television, film, broadcast journalism, and other forms of mass media.

What is Media Production 1?


This course develops writing, interviewing, and design skills which are applied when students produce the school newspaper.

What is Newspaper Journalism? (The Echo)


This course explores concepts and career choices of interior design. Students are introduced to architectural styles, alternative housing styles, basic blueprint reading, principles and elements of design, and the use of color. Students make choices in decorating and furniture arrangement. Hands-on projects enable the student to link concepts with visual images.

What is Interior Design?


This course is designed for students who want to improve their skills in  problem solving and data analysis, text analysis, determining words in context, and command of evidence.  Emphasis is placed on improving test-taking skills and learning techniques to improve success on standardized tests such as the SAT and ACT.

What is College Test Prep?


Students begin their journey with the Big Bang and explore the universe through the eyes of Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, and other great minds. Students study the extinction of dinosaurs, the solar system, galaxies, stars, black holes, and the laws governing the universe. Trips to the planetarium are used to reinforce astronomical concepts. A field trip to the Museum of Science and Industry to explore the Henry Crown Space Center and Omnimax Theatre is included.

What is Cosmic Journey?


This course is the study of manufacturing technology as it applies to the woodworking industry. Students will display the safe operation of hand tools, power tools, and machinery used in industry. Students will learn to read and draw blueprints and manufacture a product from those prints.

What is Woods Fabrication?


Students will study four-part writing, harmonic progression, texture, form, non-harmonic tones, and secondary dominants. Ear training and sight singing will be stressed. Students will have the opportunity to complete assignments using MIDI keyboards and computers.

What is AP Music Theory?


This course is designed to provide an introduction to the Athletic Training profession.  Students in this class will gain an understanding of how to prevent, evaluate, manage, and rehabilitate injuries that occur in the athletic realm.

What is Sports Medicine?


The course aims to provide students with an understanding of the role computation can play in solving problems. It also aims to help students, regardless of their major, to feel justifiably confident of their ability to write small programs that allow them to accomplish useful goals. This course introduces you to coding, including variables, user input, control structures, functions with parameters and return values, basic graphics, and to send messages to objects. The course will introduce lists/arrays, maps/objects, sets, and grids, which are the essential basic data structures that any program will use.

What is Coding?


Provides students with the basic concepts and tools necessary for understanding human social behavior in a complex world. The course examines the structures and functions of society from a purely sociological perspective and then examines current social issues in America. Topics to be covered include culture, socialization, class status, urbanization, religion, family, prejudice, discrimination, and crime.

What is Sociology?


A personalized pathway of authentic work experience in collaboration with local employers and mentors. Students have the opportunity to explore and expand career interests through the following experiences.

What is Internship?
