A GCS of 9-12 indicates...
...what is moderate head injury
Normal ICP
Complex local seizure amout of brain involvement and level of consciousness
What is one area of the brain and impaired consciousness?
Secondary causes of headaches
What is an organic cause like tumor and aneurysm?
I skipped this grade
posture where extremeties are pulled tight to the core
The hallmark signs of Cushing's triad
What is bradycardia, hypertension, bradypnea?
muscle stiffening and loss of consciousness followed by rhythmic jerking
What is a tonic-clonic seizure?
Migraine type without aura, aggravated by physical activity, unilateral/pulsating pain
What letter sound could I not say until I was 7?
(bonus points if you know the first word I could say with the letter sound)
What is an R?
(bonus point if you said garlic)
unconscious, unarousable, still has brain stem reflexes
What is coma?
The brainstem reflexes
What are pupillary, gag, corneal, swallowing?
recurring abnormal brain electrical activity resulting in two or more seizures
What is epilepsy?
uses for beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, and antiepileptics
What is headache prevention?
This "pearly white bentley" was supposed to be my first car (1 of the 3 cylinders didn't work)
What is a Geo Metro?
fun guy family fact: a red geo metro was maryn's first car, called the cherry bomb
Ways to communicate with a comatose pt
What is talking to them? (duh)
Bodily movements that increase ICP
What are hip flexion, valsalva, extreme neck movement?
restrain, trying to open the jaw, use tongue blades
What is what NOT to do during a seizure?
Type with aura, prodromal stage, second stage with severe pain, and third stage lasting up to 72 hrs
What is classic migraine?
This is what I call my Tinder matches
What are my followers?
The categories of the GCS
What are eye opening, verbal, motor?
Complications of increased ICP
What are brainstem herniation, DI, SIADH, infection?
Status epilepticus could be repeated seizures within __ min or prolonged seizure lasting more than __ min
What is repeated seizures in 30 min, or lasting more than 5?
HA that occurs daily up to multiple times, intense pain without warning signs
What is a cluster headache?
I did this for an hour last saturday night after work
What is cried?