This word describes brains that work in ways that are different from the typical or "neurotypical" brain.
What is neurodivergent?
The full term for the abbreviation ASD
The "H" in ADHD stands for this word.
What is hyperactivity?
Taking deep breaths, counting to ten, or squeezing a stress ball are ways to help manage this strong emotion.
What is anger or stress?
People with dyslexia often have trouble with this skill, which is important for reading.
What is decoding words or reading?
People with autism may experience this kind of sensitivity to lights, sounds, or textures.
What is sensory sensitivity?
People with ADHD often struggle with this ability to stay focused on tasks.
What is attention or concentration?
A therapist’s office is a judgment-free space, where everything you say stays private, thanks to this important rule
What is confidentiality?
About 15-20% (or one in five people) of the worldwide population is neurodivergent.
A common way autistic people communicate without words, including using body movements or gestures.
What is nonverbal communication or stimming?
This is the name of the part of the brain responsible for decision-making, impulse control, and focus, which may develop differently in people with ADHD.
What is the prefrontal cortex?
This is the ability to say “no” or express what makes you uncomfortable in relationships.
What are boundaries?
The "social model of disability" suggests that the challenges neurodivergent people face come from this, rather than their brains.
What is society or environment?
April is recognized as this month to raise awareness and acceptance of autism.
What is Autism Acceptance Month?
A person with ADHD might experience this sudden, intense interest in a specific activity for hours at a time.
What is hyperfocus?
Spending time in nature, exercising, or listening to music can help lower stress hormones like this one.
What is cortisol?