Nursing care during a seizure
What is Protect the patient airway and protect from, injury, Turn patient onto side (prevent aspiration), Be prepared to suction oral secretions, Loosen restrictive clothing, Do not restrain client or try to open jaw, Document onset and duration, Document findings prior, during, and after
A Meningitis patient should be in this precaution
What is Droplet
Common name for CVA
What is Stroke
Health Promotion for Head Injury
What is wear helmets and seatbelts, avoid dangerous activity, lock firearms, fall prevention
This type of medication is given often after surgery for pain
What is Opioids
Risk factors for seizures
What is Genetics, Head trauma, Cerebral edema, Abrupt cessation of antiepileptic drugs (AED's), Exposure to toxins, Stroke, Brain tumor, Hypoxia, Acute substance withdrawal
This a type of procedure for a CSF analysis
What is lumbar puncture.
Medications for CVA
What is Thrombolytics, Anticoagulants, Antiplatelets
Data collection tools to determine LOC and neurologic function
What is Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)
A patient needs 1500 mg of acetaminophen 3 times a day in 3 different doses. How many mg should the nurse administer per dose ?
What is 500mg
3 categories of seizures
What is Generalized, Vocal, Unknown
The three types of Meningitis
What is Viral, fungal, bacteria
Classification of CVA that is caused by blockage of blood flow
What is ischemic
Classifications for Head Injury
What is open or closed Open- integrity of skull in compromised Closed- blunt trauma that causes acceleration of the head and then deceleration or hitting a stationary object
Nursing action for informed consent
Stiffening of the body, followed by rhythmic jerking is consistent with this seizure
What is Tonic-Clonic
Common diuretic for Meningitis
What is Mannitol
What is Facial drooping, Arm weakness, Speech impairment, Time to call 911
ICP medications
What is Non-opioid analgesics, Corticosteroids, Osmotic diuretics, Anticonvulsants, Antiemetics, Chemotherapy
Permission granted in the knowledge of the possible consequences, typically that which is given by a patient to a doctor for treatment with full knowledge of the possible risks and benefits.
What is an informed consent
Chronic recurring abnormal brain activity resulting in 2 or more seizures
What is Epilepsy
Expected findings of Meningitis (Objective data)
What is Positive Kernig's sign, Positive Brudzinski's sign, Fever chills, N/V, Altered LOC, Restlessness/irritability, Tachycardia, Seizures, Hyperactive deep tendon reflex
Labs & Diagnostics
What is CBC, Coagulation panel, 12 lead ECG, Doppler ultrasound, CT w/o contrast, MRI, Angiography, Dysphagia screening
Complications of ICP
What is Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Syndrome (SIADH), Diabetes Insipidus ?
Patient needs 30 mg of furosemide for CHF, available is 40 mg/mL. How much will the nurse administer in mL?
What is 0.75 mL