Can all providers see Worker's Comp patients?
No. Residents & Dr.Stanton are not able to see WC patients. Many of the other providers in subspecialty divisions cannot either.
Who cannot perform procedures for patients with MVP insurance?
The APP's (Rachael & Cameron)
If a template needs to be changed or you need to schedule into a slot that's on hold who do you reach out to?
This seizure treatment does not require the surgical removal of brain tissue, the implanted device prevents seizure before they begin.
This is the point person for all Huntington's patients.
Amy Chesire
These two divisions follow a "team" approach. Meaning each of their APP's correspond to their own team of attendings.
General & Movement
Can a patient be scheduled for botox and then have a follow up 3 days later?
No. There needs to be 10 days in between.
Where can you find a providers NPI number?
Provider Finder tool in erecord
These providers are able to prescribe Medical Marijuana.
Dr. Wychowski, Dr. Berg, Dr. Tollefson & Patty Rogers
Dr. Valdovinos is the only provider with this specialty clinic.
Spanish Speaking Clinic
Change the duration to 30 minutes to not disrupt the template or reach out to neuroschedule to alter the template.
What insurance has provider specific auths?
If a patient calls at 8:05 to cancel their 8:00 appointment how should you proceed?
You should no show the appointment. If a patient asks to cancel an appointment after the appointment time it is a no show. If a patient comes 20 minutes late or more that is a no show. When a patient cancels their appointment within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment that is a late cancel.
This clinic focuses on a modified atkins diet and has appointments scheduled consecutively with the provider and nutritionist.
MAD Diet Clinic with Dr. Bonno & Leeann
This implantable technology involves surgery where a patient is awake as holes are drilled into their head.
DBS (Deep brain stimulation)
These 2 steps should be taken when a patient cancels their appointment same day.
1) Send a message directly to the provider to notify them of the last minute cancellation
2) Look in the letters tab to see if they have received any no show letters prior to rescheduling.
How would we handle a patient who sees Dr.Douenias in Big Flats? Can we schedule an appointment? Can we send a message for these patients?
We cannot schedule in the BF Office but if the patient received botox we can schedule the botox appointment here. We can also send appropriate messages to the headache nursing pool.
Which division has urgent next day appointments? What steps need to be taken to utilize these appointments?
Stroke - TIA (Rapid Access Clinic)
The patient needs to have stroke symptoms within 2 weeks. The patient cannot have been seen in the ED and all of these referrals need to be reviewed by Dr.Holmquist.
Who can you schedule VNS patients with?
Patty Rogers & Tollefson
What provider has specific slots for Duopa patients?
Aida Santiago
What department are ataxia patients scheduled in? What are the corresponding durations for their appointment types?
CC C Neuro Specialty
NPV - 120 minutes
FUV - 60 minutes
What does SPG stand for and who performs this procedure?
Sphenopalatine Ganglion
Kong & APP's
These are the insurances we do not accept.
What is the FND clinic and what providers are within?
Functional Neurologic Disorders
Mike Nordquist
Kelly Nye
What is chorea?
Jerky movements that occur mostly in the shoulders, hips and face