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This lobes function includes voluntary movements, social judgement, decision making, reasoning, aggression and aspects of personality. 

Which lobe is it and what would an injury to it cause?

Frontal,  injury or lesion would cause a severe personality disorder or socially inappropriate behavior


This is the largest and most obvious portion of the brain, sulci divide this into L and R hemisphere, outer portion is gray matter and the inner portion is white matter



This attaches the brain to the spinal cord, relays sensory and motor signals between them, and contains nuclei that perform functions vital to human life and basic survival. What is it and what could happen if its damaged?

medulla oblongata, death can occur if damaged


This is the middle layer of the meninges, its web like and covers the brain and spinal cord loosely providing a small amount of surrounding space

arachnoid layer


This is formed by CHF, it serves as a means of protection to restrict what substances pass from the bloodstream into tissues of the brain, allows small particles such as O2, CO2, and water to pass but blocks out larger particles making brain disorders difficult to treat. 

blood brain barrier


This lobes function is vision, understanding written material, analyzing and interpreting visual material. What lobe is it and what would an injury or lesion here cause?

occipital, injury would cause result in loss of visual capacity, inability to identify color, hallucinations, unable to correctly process visual signals resulting in confusion


This is the second largest portion of the brain that receives and processes messages from all over the brain, it monitor body movements, is crucial for balance, coordination, equilibrium, and posture and muscle tone. What is it and what would an injury/dysfunction here cause?

cerebellum, cerebellar dysfunction, spastic gait, poor balance, jerky movements, tremors


The medulla oblongata controls autonomic reflexes for coughing, sneezing, swallowing, vomiting and hiccups. Can a coma patient still have these?



This is part of the diencephalon aka inner brain, it relays sensory messages to cerebrum, it interprets pain, pressure, light touch and is known as the relay station



These are cavities in the brain that contain CSF, they are split into 4 chambers that connect to one another

ventricles of the brain 


This lobes function is interpreting skin sensory impulses such as pain, touch and temperature, awareness of self/objects in space such as recognizing shapes, sizes, and distances & body parts.

Which lobe is it and what would an injury to it cause?

the parietal lobe, an injury would cause a person to ignore objects on the opposite side of the body or may only dress half the side of their body


This is the part of the brain where tracts carrying impulses pass over from one side of the brain to the other allowing the two hemispheres to communicate with the other. 

corpus collosum


This is the bridge that connects the medulla oblongata to the midbrain, it relays impulses to structures above and below 



This is the tough outer lay of the meninges, it protects the brain and spinal cord

dura mater


There are 12 pairs of these, they conduct messages to the brain, head, and neck, have sensory and motor components, part of the PNS but are wired directly to the brain, a brain injury or disease can affect the part of the body connected by this

cranial nerves


This lobes function is hearing, smell, memory storage, and emotional behavior. Which lobe is it and what would an injury here cause?

temporal, an injury would cause ppl to lose ability to differentiate between sounds causing them to lose any appreciation of music


This side of the brain is analytical, logical, concrete and pertains to math and science. Which side is it?

left side, motor control of the right


The function of this is visual reflexes, auditory reflexes, motor movement and relaying impulses to higher structures


This is part of the diencephalon aka inner brain that lies beneath the cerebrum, it controls body temp, appetite, regulates emotions, behavior, thirst and fluid balance, sleep, and is involved in the endocrine system



Part of the autonomic nervous system, this response is when the HR increases, digestive motility is inhibitors and sphincters constrict, kidney blood vessels constrict, pupils dilate and bronchioles dilate, fight or flight

sympathetic response


Which lobe is the Wernickes area in and which lobe is Brocas area in?

What would happen if these areas are injured?

wernickes- temporal, aphasia causing difficulty comprehending what others are saying and difficulty forming sentences to extent they make no sense

brocas- frontal lobe, aphasia where understands what is being said but difficult or impossible to speak


This side of the brain is creative, imagination, art and music, and emotional. Which side is it?

right side, motor controls the left


How many centers does the medulla oblongata have in it?

 it has 1 cardiac center regulating HR, 2 respiratory centers, and a vasomotor center for controlling blood vessels diameter (BP)


This is the inner most layer of the meninges, it adheres closely to the brain and spinal cord, it also provides nourishment and O2 to the CNS

Pia mater


This is part of the autonomic nervous system (involuntary), its response where HR decreases, peristalsis and digestive gland secretions increase and sphincters relax, has no effect on kidney, pupils and bronchioles constrict, rest and digest

parasympathetic response
