A common food trigger for migraine headache that is made from cocoa beans
What is chocolate?
This is the most common artery blocked during a stroke
What is the middle cerebral artery
What is focal with impaired awareness
Non Con CT Head will show?
hyper dense area, appears white
Autoimmune disorder causing weakness in ocular, bulbar, limb and respiratory muscles
Autonomic signs of headache
Initial stroke imaging to rule out hemorrhage
Non Con CT head
Treatment of seizure lasting 1 minute
medication not required
Medications to avoid in ICH BP management
Guillain Barre
Location of migraine headache
What is unilateral in 60-70% of patients.
Definition of penumbra
reversibly injured brain tissue around the ischemic core
First line treatment of status epilepticus
Lorazepam 4 mg IV
CT head subdural hematoma
crescent shaped
A syndrome manifested by rest tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia and postural instability
Parkinson's Disease
Pneumonic for headache red flags
What is SNNOOP10
Cerebral venous thrombosis
Causes of unprovoked seizure
one that occurs in relation to preexisting brain lesion or nervous system disorder
Type of hemorrhage most often cause by trauma with the highest incidence in adolescents and young adults
Epidural hematoma
Which type of meningitis? Lumbar Puncture (LP) shows the following: elevated opening pressure, > 1000 leukocytes, high protein, low glucose, positive cultures.
A headache that reaches max intensity within one minute after the onset of pain. It is explosive in nature and unexpected
What is Thunderclap headache
Dual Antiplatelet therapy for ischemic stroke
Diagnosis of epilepsy
at least 2 unprovoked seizures occurring more than 24 hours apart
Type of hemorrhage that presents with a thunderclap headache and is often caused by rupture of an aneurysm
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Which is the most common psychiatric disturbance seen in Parkinson's disease?