bRaIn fOg
Escape Rheum
Are you Nerve-ous? o_O
Bonus Qs (all 100)




What is Anti-histone?


A 66-year-old man presents to the emergency department after being found down in a park. He is accompanied by a person who witnessed the fall, who said he had seizure-like activity prior to falling on the floor. The patient is non-participatory on exam but is able to breath on his own. Laboratory studies is significant for a serum sodium of 117 mEq/L. Over the course of 6 hours, his serum sodium was corrected to 135 mEq/L. Subsequently, in the next few days he develops quadrapresis with preservation of eye blinking. This is the diagnosis. 

What is ODS (Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome)?


Cant see, Cant pee, Cant climb a tree. 

What is Reactive Arthritis?


A 25-year-old woman presents to the emergency department for poor vision on the left eye. She reports that her symptoms began approximately 1 week ago and it has progressively worsened. Her visual deficit is associated with eye pain with movement. She denies having these symptoms in the past but recalls having urinary incontinence that self-resolved. Physical examination is only remarkable for a significant visual deficit solely affecting the left eye. The rest of the neurological examination is normal. An MRI of the brain and spinal cord enhanced with gadolinium demonstrate a hyperintense lesion affecting her left optic nerve. There is also enhancing and nonenhancing hyperintense lesions in the spinal cord, suggestive of demyelinating lesions of different ages. She is admitted to the hospital and is started on 3 days of intravenous methylprednisolone. This is the diagnosis.

What is MS


This is where Bruno is from

What is Menton, France?


A 60-year-old man presents to his physician’s office for fatigue, dry mouth, and dry eyes for the past year. He reports having always had a history of dry eyes that is managed with artificial tears. A year ago, he started feeling thirsty and was evaluated for diabetes, which was ruled out. He reports that he had several dental caries at his last dental appointment, despite maintaining overall good oral hygiene habits. Physical exam reveals bilateral swollen parotid glands, conjunctivitis, and dry mucous membranes. He also has dental caries.  

What are Anti-ribonucleoprotein antibodies?

  • SS-A (anti-Ro)

  • SS-B (anti-La)


A 44-year-old male presents with confusion and gait instability. Medical history is significant for alcohol use disorder, requiring multiple hospitalizations for alcohol intoxication. He drinks one to two pints of vodka daily. On exam, he appears inattentive, has bilateral horizontal nystagmus, and his gait is slow and wide-based. This is the diagnosis. 

What is Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome?


A 40-year-old woman presents to the physician's office for joint stiffness in her hands. She reports stiffness every morning in only her right hand and left foot. She recently started an intensive topical regimen of topical steroids and calcipotriene for dry skin recently. Although the topical regimen is helping with her psoriatic skin lesions, her joint stiffness has not improved. She is started on a systemic medication for her skin lesions and joint stiffness. This is the diagnosis. 

What is Psoriatic Arthritis?


A 35-year-old man presents to the emergency department for difficulty with walking. His symptoms began approximately 1 week ago and has progressively worsened. He has noticed some lightheadedness with standing up from a seated position and some numbness in the bilateral lower extremities. Physical examination is notable for 4/5 power and decreased sensation to light touch and pinprick in the bilateral lower extremity and absent patellar and ankle reflexes. A lumbar puncture is performed, which demonstrates a cell count of 1/uL, protein is 135 mg/dL, and glucose is 65 mg/dL. This is this diagnosis.

What is Guillain-Barre Syndrome?


This is how you actually pronounce Sud's first name

What is Sud-her-shun?


A 45-year-old woman presents to her physician with swollen fingers, joint pains, and a dry cough. She reports that this started a year ago and has not improved. She has a past medical history of vitiligo and primary biliary cholangitis. Physical exam reveals tightened, shiny skin with induration over her face and arms, sclerodactyly, and dry rales in the lungs. There are also telangiectasias on her left cheek.

what is Anti-Scl-70 (anti-DNA topoisomerase I)?


A 45-year-old woman presents to the emergency room with a severe headache of acute onset. Her headache is significantly more severe than her migraine headaches. Her symptoms began approximately 2 hours ago after she was lifting heavy weights. She denies any head trauma, nausea, or vomiting. Physical examination is unremarkable. A CT head without contrast is normal. This is the best next step

What is Lumbar Puncture?


An 84-year-old man hospitalized for diverticulitis is evaluated for acute right knee pain. He has never experienced this symptom before.

On physical examination, temperature is normal. The right knee is swollen, warm, tender, and erythematous. Arthrocentesis is performed. Synovial fluid analysis shows a leukocyte count  of 21,500/µL (21.5 × 109/L) and intracellular positively birefringent rhomboid-shaped crystals. Gram stain is negative. This is the diagnosis

What is Calcium Pyrophosphate Crystal Deposition Disease (PsuedoGout)


A 61-year-old man presents to his neurologist for weakness. He reports that he has weakness with getting up from a chair or climbing the stairs. He also says that he has been having a lot of dry mouth lately, requiring him to frequently drink water. He smokes 1 pack of cigarettes daily for the past 35 years. Physical examination is notable for proximal upper and lower extremity weakness. There is also recovery of his patellar reflexes with brief and vigorous muscle contraction. This is the diagnosis, antibody, and additional imaging.

What is Lambert Eaton, Presynaptic Voltage Gated Calcium, and low dose CT chest


This is how you spell Batool's maiden name

What is Hosain


A 29-year-old woman presents with general malaise, myalgias, and low-grade fever. She also reports the tips of her fingers turn blue after touching a cold object, which subsequently returns to its baseline color when the cold object is no longer touched. On physical exam, there is a malar rash, swelling of the digits, and joint tenderness. Diagnosed to have MCTD. 

What is Anti-U1-RNP (ribonucleoprotein)?


A 67-year-old man is brought to the neurologist by his wife for bizarre behaviors. She said that at times he would be difficult to understand and disorganized. He also said that he has seen animals on top of the television which was disturbing for him. He would speak in his sleep. Physical examination is notable for postural instability and upper extremity rigidity. This is the diagnosis.

What is Dementia with Lewy Bodies?


55 year old F w/ PMHx of RA presented to the hospital with fevers, chills, and cough. Vitals febrile to 38 and hd stable. Physical exam shows rales in the left lowerlung field and splenomegaly. CXR shows left lobar infiltrate. Labs showed leukopenia and electrolytes, kidney and liver function were wnl. This is the syndrome

What is Felty Syndrome


A 61-year-old male presents with left-sided hand weakness and trouble with walking. On physical exam, tongue fasciculations are appreciated. He has slow speech. The left upper extremity shows forearm atrophy and depressed reflexes. The right lower extremity is hypertonic, with 3+ reflexes, and positive Babinski sign.  This is the treatment.

What is Riluzole?


This is the car Nathani drives.

What is Ford Mustang convertible?


Young female with symmetric proximal muscle weakness, heliotrope rash, raised violaceous, slightly scaly plaques, on bony prominences of the hands and elbows (Gottron papules).  

What is anti-Jo?


A previously healthy 46-year-old female presents to the emergency department after a motor vehicle accident. The patient is unresponsive to noxious stimuli. Pupils are dilated and unresponsive to light. Oculovestibular and gag reflexes are absent. The patient is intubated due to loss of spontaneous respirations. Diagnosis of Brain Death based on apnea test. 

No respiratory response with a PaCO2 > 60 mmHg or PaCO2 > 20 mmHg above baseline

  • invalid in CO2 retainers


XR finding for diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH).

What are linear calcifications and ossifications along the anterolateral aspects of the vertebral bodies



A 35-year-old woman presents to the emergency department with severe bilateral eye pain. She said that her vision acutely worsened over the course of the day and has experienced eye pain, especially with movements. Her symptoms are associated with mild lower extremity weakness and she endorses having urinary incontinence. Physical examination is notable for 3+ patellar reflexes with 4-/5 power in her bilateral lower extremities. An MRI brain and spine demonstrate signal intensities in the optic nerves and the lumbothoracic spine. This is the diagnosis.

What is NMO (Neuromyelitis Optica)

This chief has held a beating human heart

Who is Nawar?
