Directional term related to structures on the side.
What is lateral?
The "floor" of the midbrain, containing the substantia nigra, red nucleii, periaqueductal gray matter, etc.
What is the "tegmentum"?
The hindbrain contains the pons, medulla, and the __________. The brainstem contains the pons, medulla, and ___________.
What are cerebellum and brainstem, in that order?
The imaginary line from the feet, upward along the spinal cord, and extending to the front of the forebrain.
What is the neuraxis?
The spinal nerves that are dorsal and "afferent" (ascending).
What are the sensory nerves in the spinal cord?
Area that contains the superior and inferior colliculi.
What is the tectum of the midbrain?
The structure in the midbrain that helps process pain messages?
What is the periaqueductal gray matter?
12 pair in the Peripheral Nervous System, innervating parts of the brain and body.
What are the cranial nerves?
This part of the "hindbrain," whose name means "little brain," is the first part of the brain to form; it helps coordinate purposeful movement, rhythm, and balance.
What is the Cerebellum?
The spinal nerves that are "efferent" (descending) & motor.
What are the ventral nerves on the spinal cord?
What "gray matter" is made up of.
What are the cell bodies and dendrites of neurons?
Area of the midbrain that provides help with limb movements.
What are the red nucleii?
What are Dorsal and Rostral/Anterior (also Medial)?
Responsible for the "fight or flight" response, which now includes "freeze" and "fawn."
What is the Sympathetic Nervous System?
This nerves that relate to the reflex arc, "connecting" sensory nerves to motor nerves.
What are "interneurons"?
Directional term related to what is at the midline.
What is "medial"?
Areas of the midbrain that contain the neurotransmitter dopamine and are implicated in the development of Parkinson's disease.
What are the substantia nigra?
The cranial nerve that goes down into the body and innervates the heart, lungs, and other vital organs.
What is the Vagus nerve?
The part of the nervous system that helps the person to relax following the resolution of a threat.
What is the Parasympathetic Nervous System?
The gray matter is located in/on the _________ of the spinal cord.
What is inside (related to the spinal cord)?
What makes up the "white matter" on the inside of the brain.
What is "myelin", located on the axons of neurons?
The "bridge" between the cerebellum and the rest of the brain.
What is the Pons?
The 2 parts of the Peripheral Nervous System.
What are the Somatic and Autonomic Nervous Systems?
This part of the brainstem helps regulate UNCONSCIOUS life functions, including respiration, blood pressure, blood flow, heartbeat, digestion, etc.
What is the Medulla (also called Medulla Oblongata)?
A region inside of the brain (located laterally on each side of the brain) involved in motor control.
What are the Basal Ganglia?